How to Get Rid Of Knee Pain In Old Age?

Knee pain is a very common occurrence in people of old age. It can be a result of joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Some injuries may also worsen over the years and cause knee pain that doesn’t seem to go away. In the earlier stages the knee pain is bearable, but as the problem progresses, it might require extensive medical treatment. There are various life choices and self-help remedies that people turn to if they experience discomfort and pain in their knees. Medical procedures ranging from non-invasive methods to surgeries can also help get rid of knee pain permanently. So how can you get rid of knee pain in old age? Let’s have a look at some of the most popular techniques.

1. Walk And Exercise

Physical activity helps a person stay healthy no matter which age group they belong to. Resting too much and sitting excessively can promote the stiffness of joints and eventually result in knee pain. Walking and exercising is an easy way to strengthen your muscles, ligaments and joints. It also improves the blood flow in the body which results in decreased inflammation of the joints and provision of important nutrients in an appropriate quantity. There are various exercises that specifically target and help counter knee pain such as the quadriceps stretch, hamstring curl, leg extensions, and half squat. If you make walking and exercising a consistent part of your daily routine, you’ll not only be relieved of the knee pain but also attain various other health benefits.

2. Weight Management

The increased stress on the knees can result in knee pain at any age, but as a person grows older, the already weakened joints can’t bear a lot of weight. It’s vital to keep a check on your weight if you want to avoid knee pain in the first place. In case you’re already a victim of this unsettling problem and overweight at the same time, try losing a few pounds. Maintaining a healthy body weight can play a major role in reducing and sometimes even completely eradicating knee pain. However, an individual shouldn’t compromise on eating a healthy diet or starve themself for weight loss, this is because the body always needs vitamins and nutrients to counter health conditions. 

3. RICE Therapy

RICE is an abbreviation of rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Rest means to not carry out any excessive activity that may specifically lead to an episode of knee pain. It doesn’t stop you from exercising or walking but an appropriate balance of rest and work is required. Icing the painful knees can decrease inflammation and in-turn reduce pain. For quick results, an ice pack should be used 3 times a day for 15 minutes on whichever knee you are experiencing pain. Within 2 to 3 days, there’s a visible decrease in swelling and the muscles are relaxed. If the knee is kept in an elevated position, there are slimmer chances of experiencing excruciating knee pain. While resting or lying down, it’s advised to keep a pillow underneath the knee to maintain a higher position of the painful joint than that of the heart as this decreases the blood flow to the painful knee and hence reduces inflammation. 

4. Knee Braces

A knee brace can provide support to your knee and help reduce the pain. The knee brace tightly holds the knee joint in place preventing it from any unnecessary motion. A steady grip on the knee helps with balanced movement. As inflammation can be a major cause of this problem, knee braces also help reduce swelling and counter the pain that accompanies it. There are 3 levels of knee braces, each one with a decreased flexibility as the level increases. A more stiff knee brace is appropriate for advanced levels of knee pain and vice versa. 

5. Heat And Cold Therapy

The Hot pads can be a great pain reliever which relax the muscles, but this is not a permanent solution, it can help manage the pain for shorter periods of time. For increased knee pain problems, you might require expert consultation. The cold packs are well-suited for decreasing inflammation and swelling. They’re particularly useful after sustaining evident injuries but can also cater to chronic diseases of the joints. The low temperature of the area acts as a local anesthetic. The blood flow is decreased to the joint which reduces the sensation of pain. The ice packs are also a part of the RICE therapy which was discussed earlier.

The aforementioned methods are relevant to self-care and healthier life choices which can help get rid of knee pain in old age. On the other hand, there are specialized medical treatments that have proven to be successful in treating chronic knee pain that comes with increasing age and weakened joints, some of these are as follows.

6. Oral Medication

For the earlier stages of knee pain, a specialist may suggest some oral medication that can help slow down the root cause, and delay the onset of severe knee pain issues. This can include vitamin supplements such as vitamin C and vitamin D, calcium tablets, or anti-inflammatory pills. Applying anti-inflammatory creams over the affected joint can also provide short-term relief. However in the long run, strong medication may be needed to fight the advanced knee pain. 

7. Injections

If the doctor deems it appropriate, they may suggest the use of injections to treat knee pain. There are various types of substances that can be injected directly into the joint.

  • Corticosteroids: These steroids are naturally present in the body to reduce inflammation. However, to aid the process of pain relief in the knee joint, an injection of corticosteroids can be administered directly to the knee. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps reduce swelling and pain. The effects of this injection can last for a few months and a repetitive procedure can be quite beneficial. Due to the vast causes of knee pain, this treatment is not a definite solution for everyone.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: The knee joint may be ‘dry’ which can cause difficulty in movement and hence lead to severe pain. The hyaluronic acid lubricates the knee joint and helps in improving the motion and flexibility of the joint.

8. Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy – also known as Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLT) – is a non-invasive knee pain treatment method which is becoming more popular these days. The provision of laser energy to the underlying muscles and tissues that surround the knee results in decreased inflammation and improves the blood flow in the area. It also encourages the healing process and reduces pain as endorphins are simulated, hence the regeneration of the cells is enhanced. The therapy is carried out using a handheld device that lasts for a few minutes per session. 10 to 20 sessions may be required for the individual to obtain the complete benefits of the cold laser therapy. This is a painless procedure that doesn’t involve any medication and has no side effects.

9. Physical Therapy

A therapist can help you relieve knee pain without medication by suggesting exercises that best fit your needs and the level of discomfort that you’re experiencing. Even though an individual can perform exercises on their own, a well-planned routine by an expert will be safe and have much better results. Once your joint starts to regain strength, the movement becomes more comfortable; flexibility and range of motion increase, and pain decreases, this shows that your physical therapy is paying off.

10. Surgery

Surgery is the last resort when it comes to knee pain. With old age, many other factors are to be thoroughly considered before going ahead with any kind of invasive and risky procedures such as surgery. Other medical conditions can also cause complications during or after the procedure. There are multiple types of knee surgeries that can be opted for depending on the causes and severity of knee pain.

Following tests, the orthopaedic surgeon can come to a proper diagnosis about the exact nature of the surgery that you would be needed. Depending on the age and the nature of the damage, the doctor might ask you to go for a total knee replacement, partial one, or even an arthroscopic surgery. Let us look at them in some detail-

  • Arthroscopic Surgery: The damaged cartilage of the knee can be removed or repaired using a small camera and inserting tools into the joint through a small incision. If any ligaments are damaged, they can be treated with this procedure as well.
  • Partial Knee Replacement: Small incisions are made on the knee to replace the damaged parts of the joint with metal and plastic imitations. 
  • Total Knee Replacement: The knee joint is completely replaced with an artificial joint that is made up of metal and plastic. This option is considered in case of severe damage to the bone and when there is no chance of recovery otherwise.