How to Get Periods Immediately to Avoid Pregnancy: Methods to Induce Menstruation for Pregnancy Prevention

It’s important to comprehend your body’s natural rhythms when it comes to reproductive health. It may be necessary to induce menstruation in some circumstances, such as while trying to avoid an unexpected pregnancy. This article explores safe and knowledgeable methods for menstruation initiation, providing insights into the science of it while highlighting the significance of speaking with healthcare specialists before making any decisions.

So let’s explore how to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy along with related information that you need to know.

Ways to Get Periods Immediately to Prevent Pregnancy

  • Relax yourself

Hormone imbalance and missed periods can both be strongly influenced by stress. Naturally, when you aren’t prepared to have a child, stress levels will be high. But doing so will just make things worse. Make sure you thoroughly unwind and relax. Yoga, meditation, and other practices can help you lower your stress levels, which will then assist your body in naturally starting your period. Distracting yourself from the delayed period is the main goal. Your anxieties may not be related to pregnancy, but they will aggravate the condition.

  • Vitamin C-rich foods

Consuming vitamin C-rich meals is one of the best solutions on how to get periods without getting pregnant. These foods can raise your estrogen levels and start your period. Uterine contractions take place and bleeding starts when estrogen levels rise. You can lower your progesterone levels by eating meals high in vitamin C. Early periods may result from the disintegration of uterine walls caused by this. Kiwis, lemons, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are among the foods high in vitamin C.

  • Have sesame or til seeds

Sesame seeds have seen some success in triggering periods, so they may help if you’re concerned about a delayed period. They are one of the greatest natural options for how to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy without using any medications since they produce heat in the body. About 15 days before the start of your menstruation, you can eat these seeds uncooked or with jaggery. Consume them sometimes but consistently. They are excellent for your body and a great source of iron as well.

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  • Exercise a bit

You can also benefit from exercise in this circumstance. Period induction is recommended with moderate exercise. Your muscles will become looser, and it will encourage bleeding. Exercises with a high level of intensity can be taxing on your muscles and are ineffective. It is not advised to exercise vigorously if you have any doubts about being pregnant. If you are already pregnant, heavy bleeding may result in an abortion.

  • Ginger and Parsley

These two are available as ginger-parsley tea or on their own. Ginger works wonders to heat the area around the uterus and encourage contractions. A similar trait also applies to parsley. You can drink parsley tea to encourage uterine contractions. These two are emmenagogue foods or those that can increase menstrual blood flow.

  • Turmeric

The versatile component turmeric helps to stimulate menstruation. If you are wondering how to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy then turmeric is the solution as it naturally starts bleeding and prevents an unintended pregnancy. You can consume it by combining turmeric with warm milk and honey.

  • Papaya

The consumption of raw papaya is regarded as one of the greatest foods to encourage uterine contractions. It is a good natural method for preventing pregnancy to start your period right away. Papaya consumption increases estrogen levels, which aids in the beginning of bleeding. Eat the fruit whole or, if you’d rather, sip the juice to solve your problem.

  • Black Cohosh

Another emmenagogue is the herbal substance black cohosh, which controls the menstrual cycle. It assists in uterine toning and lining shedding. If you have high blood pressure, a history of liver issues, or are taking cardiac medication, you should avoid taking it. You should always do a little more research on herbs whose therapeutic usage has not received FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval before ingesting them. It is an emmenagogue, thus pregnant women should likewise stay away from it.

  • Use Other Potential Emmenagogues Foods

There are several additional emmenagogues besides parsley, ginger, and black cohosh that aid in uterine and pelvic blood flow stimulation and period onset. For instance, it is thought that a variety of foods and herbs, such as celery, cumin, fenugreek seeds, aloe vera, pomegranate, basil, oregano, cinnamon, chamomile, etc., can help regulate the menstrual cycle. However, pregnant women should avoid certain meals for obvious reasons.

Menstruation for Pregnancy Prevention

Are there any Risks of Inducing Periods?

The majority of the above-mentioned treatments are not recommended for pregnant women. Therefore, if you are looking for ways to query on how to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy then before making any attempts to induce your period, you must be sure you are not pregnant since you risk fatally hurting both the fetus and yourself.

Additionally, research shows that many herbs that are used to start periods may include antifertility chemicals that might cause infertility or early menopause. The majority of herbs are readily available on the market, but they should be thoroughly examined because the FDA has not approved them for use as medicines.

Interfering with the menstrual cycle and hormonal synchronization might occasionally permanently alter the cycle’s normalcy. Estrogen and progesterone, the primary reproductive hormones in women, undergo a precise synchronization, rising and falling at specified times of the cycle. This is why periods happen. It may cause you to experience problems with the regularity, flow, number of days, or general character of your period. Therefore, before taking any drastic measures on how to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy, it is advisable to seek expert assistance.


What can I eat to avoid pregnancy?

Ans. Unripe papaya is safe to eat because it has papain, a naturally occurring enzyme that is thought to regulate menstrual cycles and prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Additionally, drinking ginger tea is said to have contraceptive benefits because it can naturally cause a period and prevent conception.

Which medicine can I use to start periods immediately and avoid pregnancy?

Ans. Medroxyprogesterone is a medication that is used to start a regular menstrual cycle in women who haven’t had one in at least 6 months, haven’t menstruated normally in the past, and aren’t pregnant or going through menopause.

What is the remedy to get periods immediately?

Ans.  Fenugreek seeds are recommended by experts to start periods because they move and constrict the uterus, preparing it for menstruation. Menstrual cramps can also be treated with fenugreek seeds as medicine.

How can I know if I am pregnant?

Ans. There are several symptoms that show that you are pregnant including missed periods, nausea and vomiting, breast changes, fatigue, frequent urination, food cravings, backache, and breathlessness.

How can I start my period?

Ans. You might be able to naturally induce your menstrual cycle if you aren’t taking hormonal contraception. Changes to your workout regimen, stress-relieving techniques, the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables, and even orgasms, may help initiate menstruation.

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In conclusion, those looking to trigger menstruation may find the techniques mentioned in this article to be helpful. It’s important to keep in mind that every person reacts differently, so you should seek professional advice to make sure the strategy you choose is compatible with your health and well-being. We hope you found this article helpful and now you know everything related to

how to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy and that it will help you in making informed decisions.