How to Fit Fitness into a Busy Schedule

You can have the best of intentions when it comes to your fitness but then the rest of your life takes over. You might get busy at work or your social life gets hectic and suddenly all those fitness plans have gone out of the window. How do you make sure you can fit your fitness regime into a busy schedule?

Walk/Cycle to Work

Get up a little earlier and walk or cycle to work rather than taking the car. This will help you to arrive at work feeling refreshed and revigorated and ready for whatever the day may bring. It may not take you as long as you think to get there either as it will be easier to negotiate rush hour traffic. This may seem like a chore at first, but you will be surprised how quickly and easily it becomes part of your schedule. Aim to do this two or three times a week and then do a longer workout at the weekend when you have more time.

Short Workouts

Many people think they have to spend a couple of hours in the gym to see the benefit, but this is not true. CLUB4Fitness have devised workouts that can be done in 30 minutes so you can incorporate them into your lunch hour or use their facilities straight after work. You will quickly see the benefit of this and if going to the gym becomes less of a chore, you will be motivated to go more often too.

Get a Personal Trainer

A personal trainer can help you to stay motivated and achieve your fitness goals. They may push you harder than you push yourself, but this will really help you to reach the next level of your fitness plan faster. You will be less likely to cancel a workout session as you won’t want to let your trainer down so this will encourage you to work out even when you have a busy schedule.

Make an Evening of It

You don’t have to give up an evening with your friends in order to exercise; why not take them with you? Classes such as salsa or ballroom dancing are a great way to get fit while still maintaining a social life. These are popular classes, and you can even use the opportunity to make new friends and widen your social circle. You won’t even notice that you are working out because you will be enjoying yourself so much.

Mix It Up

You don’t have to stick to doing the same exercises every time you work out. Challenge yourself to try a new sport or exercise once in a while. This will stop you from getting bored of doing the same old thing as well as improving your overall fitness as you will be using different muscles than you are used to. A change of routine can sometimes be easier to fit into your schedule as you will enjoy a fresh challenge.

With these tips, fitting a workout into a busy schedule should be easy and enjoyable.