How to Cope With Sensitive Teeth

The onset of painful sensations from everyday activities such as eating, drinking, and brushing might indicate dental problems such as teeth sensitivity. Even if your teeth are healthy, you might develop sensitivity as it is caused by several problems such as acid corrosion. You should talk with Fair Oaks tooth sensitivity experts or find solutions you can utilize at home. Here are tips to reduce teeth sensitivity by yourself.

Use Toothpaste Made for Sensitive Teeth

You can talk with your primary doctor about teeth sensitivity and how to cope with the problem. They might recommend the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth, which can relieve the symptoms. The toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth has ingredients that fill the tiny holes in the enamel that cause sensitivity. Filling the dents reduces the number of holes exposed to the elements on the mouth, reducing sensitivity.

Use a Soft Brush

You can change your toothbrush when you develop sensitive teeth, as stiff bristles might worsen the condition. The stiff bristles combined with abrasive toothpaste lead to more microscopic holes in the enamel, which worsens your condition. Moreover, hard brittles worsen other dental issues such as gum disease, which leads to dentin exposure and damage to sensitive nerves. Ensure your brush preserves the enamel surface and gum integrity while cleaning the mouth effectively.

Use a Mouth Guard

Involuntary teeth grinding at night might lead to teeth sensitivity, and it could be wise to use a mouth guard at night. Your dentist can take molds of your teeth and customize them to fit your teeth well. The guard will prevent your teeth from grinding pressure, preventing teeth damage and sensitivity due to night grinding.

Treat Gum Disease

If your gums are receding or are diseased, it could cause tooth sensitivity. The gum tissues break down, moving away from the tooth surface, thus exposing the teeth’s nerves and roots. If you have gum disease, you can manage it effectively to prevent sensitivity. When your gums are healthy, your teeth will be healthy.

Use a Salt Water Wash

Although you would think salt can elevate teeth sensitivity, this might not be the case as it soothes sensitive teeth.  Saltwater balances the mouth pH to create an alkaline that is good for your teeth. An alkaline mouth prevents the overgrowth of harmful bacteria attributed to teeth sensitivity. Salty water also reduces plague, and you can easily make a saltwater rinse with salt and warm water. You would use the rinse every morning and evening for best results and restoring teeth health.

Swish the Mouth With Coconut

Coconut can prevent bacterial overgrowth in the mouth, as it hinders its growth and prevents plague. The oil might also brighten your teeth, and you can swish the mouth with the oil twice a day for a healthier mouth.

Final Thoughts

Teeth sensitivity can make it hard to accomplish everyday activities like teeth brushing, drinking, and eating. You can seek treatment for sensitive teeth or opt. for remedies that reduce sensitivity. It would be wise to use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth, use a soft brush, mouth guard at night, coconut swish, and salt mouthwash to reduce teeth sensitivity.