How Does Diabetes Affect Your Sex Life

The CDC reports that over 34 million people have diabetes in the United States. Diabetes affects many facets of life from diet restrictions to sex life. Diabetes and sex can be an uncomfortable point of discussion for many who suffer from the disease, however, it should be talked about.

There is a lot to discuss concerning diabetes and sex, so if you want to understand the facts, then let’s get started!


Issues with diabetes and sex drive or diabetes and self-image can cause intimacy issues between partners. The best course of action is to keep open communication about sex in the relationship. Talking to a sex therapist is an excellent way to open up communication about issues involving diabetes and sex.

Emotional Toll

Psychologically speaking, Diabetes can have an intense impact on your mental health. Often, with cases of Diabetes, the person is struggling with weight issues. This can cause a negative self-image and impact confidence during intimate moments.

People who suffer from diabetes are also prone to anxiety and depression which can both affect sexual confidence and performance. Hormonal changes are also common in people with diabetes which can lead to issues with libido. Visiting a Mens Health Clinic could help deal with the issues associated with the loss of libido due to diabetes.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy is nerve damage that is nerve damage that is associated with diabetes. Those who suffer from the condition often have numbers and pain in the extremities including the genitals. This complication can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Additionally, those with this complication might have difficulty reaching orgasm or feeling sexual stimulation. Sex can sometimes feel painful or unenjoyable for people with Diabetic Neuropathy.

Ejaculation Issues

In addition to having possible erectile dysfunction, men with diabetes might also suffer from a problem called Retrograde Ejaculation. This problem occurs when semen is ejaculated into the bladder rather than from the penis. The condition is caused by higher than normal Glucose levels that have a detrimental effect on the internal sphincter muscles of the penis.

Generally, this complication does not affect the ability to have an orgasm. With that being said, there is a chance that it could affect fertility. Luckily there are treatment options for this condition.

Diabetes and Sex

Diabetes and sex is a tricky subject, however, it is possible to have a fulfilling sex life with diabetes! Open communication with your partner is essential. It is important to discuss any changes in libido or mindset with your doctor. There are medications and therapy options that can help ease symptoms of things like diabetes and low sex drive.

Keeping a positive outlook and open mind about diabetes and sex will help handle the side effects of the disease. Always listen to your body and make sure to keep track of your symptoms so that you can manage your sexual and diabetic health!

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