Functional Or Integrative Medicine – Which One Is Better For You?

Functional and integrative medicine is the most rapidly growing form of medicine. Both forms of medicine have a similar nature, but the approach is different. Functional medicine focuses on treating the root cause of a condition or a disease. In contrast, integrative medicine understands the patient as a whole and uses a combination of different medical forms to treat the disease. 

When there is a question about your health, you need to approach it in the right way; you should be double sure about the approach and whether it meets all your needs or not. Beverly Hills aesthetic, functional, and integrative medicine center guides patients to understand the right direction and understand both forms of medicine. 

Integrative medicine:

The integrative form of medicine uses a combination of different treatments to treat a condition. It also aims at using less invasive methods for treatment. This form of therapy ensures the overall well-being of the patient. The aim is to keep the patient physically, mentally, and emotionally fit.

The integrative medicine specialist uses conditions like surgery and medication, exercise, meditation, and Behavioral Therapy. 

Integrative medicine follows some principles as follows: 

  • Natural and minimally invasive techniques are used. 
  • The patient and physician are equally important. 
  • All factors that could affect your health are considered ( physical, mental, emotional, and social). 
  • The treatment is uniquely designed, and the treatment is unique for every patient. 
  • The healing process involves naturally healing. 

Functional medicine: 

Functional medicine aims to treat the disease without considering patients’ mental and emotional states. Tests are performed to understand the root cause of the disease. For example, a patient suffers from heart disease or arthritis, which can be due to inflammation. Therefore, determining and treating the factor causing the disease is the central role of functional medicine. 

Which form of medicine is suitable for you? 

Now that you have understood how the two forms of medicine differ, you can determine which form of treatment is suitable for you. 

Most doctors use functional and integrative medicine as a combination. Both forms are combined and used to help you benefit in different ways for a good recovery, excellent care, and treatment. 

Physicians who practice integrative medicine offer a more comprehensive range of options for treating a condition, while functional medicine practitioners focus primarily on the subject. 

In most cases, the patient’s relationship with their doctors determines the form of medicine the patients opt for based on trust.