Five Ways You Could Lose a Tooth in North Vancouver

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy is important to their longevity. A lot of people experience tooth loss because of poor oral hygiene and aging. But dental technological advancements have allowed people to keep their teeth for a long time. But good oral hygiene is essential to having strong teeth. A North Vancouver cosmetic dentist can help improve the look of your teeth and prevent tooth loss. Also, they can walk you through the common causes of tooth loss, so you can avoid it and enjoy a beautiful smile for the longest time possible. Tooth loss can occur due to the following:

Gum Disease

You could lose teeth due to periodontitis or gum disease. This condition takes place due to the buildup of bacteria, plaque, and tartar on your teeth, causing infection and inflammation below your gum line. When not treated right away, gum disease can compromise the integrity of the teeth-supporting bone. In turn, your teeth can loosen or fall out. Good oral health hygiene and routine teeth cleanings at your dentist’s office can help prevent the development of gum disease. 

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay develops when bacteria eat away at your tooth enamel. Typically, dental fillings, onlays, or inlays, can be resolved dental cavities by restoring the strength, function, and structure of the affected teeth. When not treated promptly, tooth decay can result in a deeper tooth infection that requires root canal therapy. In serious cases, the infected tooth may need to be removed. 

Oral Trauma

Dental trauma and physical injury can result in tooth loss. Tooth loss is common in car accidents, slip and fall accidents, and sports accidents. However, a sports injury is preventable by wearing a mouthguard. A mouthguard can also help those who tend to grind their teeth maintain healthy teeth. 

Chronic Illness

Some chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease are associated with poor oral health. Also, some systemic diseases can cause the development of gum disease, speed up the process, and result in tooth loss. Bone disease, rheumatoid arthritis, uncontrolled diabetes, and hypertension are underlying factors in tooth loss if they speed up gum disease or trigger this condition. 

Lifestyle Factors

Did you know that proper nutrition is essential for both your oral and overall health? Calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and phosphorus are important for your teeth and gum health. Not getting these essential nutrients can compromise your oral health. In addition, smoking contributes to tooth loss.