Five Most Critical Genetic Skin Conditions And Their Cure

Did you ever wonder why the field of dermatology is progressing so rapidly? Newer specializations and credentials are enrolling skin doctors for better treatment provision.  But why?

With every passing year, people are facing skin conditions, and most of them have no prior record. Every case has a different origin cause, symptom, and thus, treatment. Any skin condition can stress an individual due to the unusual appearance caused by it. Moreover, suppose the disease is genetic or left attended, leading it to worsen. In that case, the condition can turn into a dreadful situation. Studies conducted for years in the western communities signified that half of the population faced variant cutaneous conditions.

Skin — the largest organ of our body needs extra care and adequate attention whenever we grasp an unnatural occurrence. Diagnosis is the first step to cure. Unless you pay attention to any pain, redness, swelling, bump, fungus, etc., effective treatment won’t be possible.


  • Biopsy (Diagnosis of Psoriasis)
  • A patch test (Diagnosis of ACD Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia)
  • Scrapings (Fungal Infection Diagnosis)
  • Diascopy (Hemorrhage or Vascular Lesions Diagnosis)
  • Tzanck testing (Viral Disease Diagnosis)

These tests pave the way for dermatologists and skin specialists to treat chronic skin conditions.


The condition that causes scaly, sharp, silvery skin patches on skin signifies psoriasis. It is a chronic disorder; the affected area can experience itchiness and pain. This autoimmune disease is widespread among 7 million people in America.

If a person feels joint pain, swelling, or stiffness, it can sign psoriatic arthritis. Other common types include Plaque, Guttate, Inverse, Pustular, and Erythrodermic Psoriasis. Some common medical remedies for these conditions are cortisone cream, light therapy, topical steroids, OTC, wet dressings, etc.


Aloe Vera contains extensive skin healing properties. Horse or mare milk has been used for years to treat psoriasis with its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and immune system boosting properties.

  • ACNE:

Affected skin areas for acne include the face, shoulders, neck, upper back, and chest. The affected person may experience pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, painful cysts, or nodules. The risk of getting acne is higher if your parents have such a history in adolescence or childhood. It can be a hormonal change result or an inflammation in response to bacteria or fungi.

Secondary reasons include an unbalanced processed food-based diet. The scarcity of necessary minerals and nutrients weakens the body to fight against impurities, accumulated internally or externally. An inflammatory breakout can occur due to a polluted environment. The air quality has to be pure and detoxified to prevent our skin from inhaling dust and dirt.


Tea Tree Oil contains plant terpene and 100 compounds that fight acne lesions. Any fruit acid, such as Citric, Tartaric, Glycolic, and Malic Acids, has exfoliating properties that clear skin pores naturally.


Atopic eczema or dermatitis, a condition that results in skin inflammation, itchy and dry scalp. A person may experience dermatitis in any part of the body, mostly during the infant age. However, some patients reportedly showed signs of dermatitis, even in adolescence.

In severe itching, scratching the sin leads to oozing, thickening, and hardening of the skin. Since it’s an atopic disease, dermatitis can also bring along other allergic reactions — mostly asthma, hay fever, or food allergies.

Some standard medical treatments are anti-itch ointments, petroleum jelly, cortisone cream, lotion, etc. 


Derived from dried flowers, Arnica is an excellent remedy for dermatitis conditions. German chamomile of the daisy family has a small double-blind trial that significantly lessens the wound’s surface area.


In the nucleus of our body cells exist the chromosomes that hold genes and hyperhidrosis disease in it. The condition when the person experiences excessive sweating in some regions of the body. In the armpits, soles of the feet, palms, groin area, and beneath the breasts areas get most affected. It may begin with puberty, or even in childhood, and persist throughout life.

The provoking factors of hyperhidrosis are tension, anxiety, exercise, pain, nicotine, or cocaine. On the face, blushing appears, along with constant sweating. Hyperhidrosis is not gender-specific. An equal number of men and women face this condition in today’s world.

Some common medical treatments include Antiperspirants, Mind-altering drugs, placebo effect, etc.


The surface proteins of topical Tannis are effective in reducing excessive sweating conditions. Black tea is also a significant and available source for treating hyperhidrosis.


A rare inheritance that causes patterns of skin pigmentation is albinism. This condition occurs due to a lowered quantity of melanin in the body. Albinos have pale skin, white hair, and blue or pink eyes; such patients also report difficulty in vision.

The medical team of this chronic disease comprises ophthalmologists and eye and gene specialists.


Apple cider vinegar, green tea extracts, red onion, and aloe vera are well known for depigmentation.


Those individuals who have an obsession for a healthy body always remain up-to-date with their health status. Get periodic checkups and blood tests to determine any rising issue to deal with it in the early stages. Treating a worsen skin disorder, untreated for years, reduces the chances for complete recovery. Use natural remedies that are harmless and leave no side effects on the body.