Five fantastic benefits of playing sport in college

Regardless of your fitness level, there are plenty of opportunities available for you to play sports at college. This is true whether you’re interested in a popular sport such as football or tennis, or want to try your hand at a more unusual activity such as fencing. What’s also true is that whichever sport you choose and whatever level you play at, there are a wealth of benefits waiting to be enjoyed as a result. Here are just five of the advantages you can expect to gain.

1. It’s a great way to make friends

Team sports in particular are a good way to meet people at college, and you automatically know that you’ll have common interests. It can be a helpful way to meet people outside of your course and dorm, and playing sport together is a fantastic way to bond, thanks to the experience of working together to achieve a collective goal. Plus, it will also teach you some important life lessons along the way!

2. It opens the door to new opportunities

If you play sport at college, particularly at a high level, you may find it opens all sort of doors for you. For example, you might get to travel to take part in tournaments, or get the use of special facilities as a result of being on the team. If you’re hoping to play sports professionally after graduation, it can also be an effective way of getting exposure. Even if you just want to play casually, the experience will look impressive on your resumé and may just help you to land your dream job.

3. It makes you eligible for scholarships

One of the most common types of scholarship available for college is a sports scholarship. These are not just for those hoping to turn pro either—some are available for more casual athletes, and others are available to apply for even after you’ve already started college. A company such as can help you to track down the ones most relevant to your ability level and the sport you play.

4. It helps you to keep in shape

This is perhaps the most obvious benefit to playing a sport in college—it’s a guaranteed way to ensure you get some exercise and keep fit. Of course, there are other means by which you can do this, for example by going to the gym, but sport is a good way to make it much more enjoyable! Hanging around with other athletes who are interested in keeping in shape can also be an added motivation to stay healthy and eat well.

5. It’s good for your studies

Aside from the physical benefits, playing sport can also help you with your studies. This is because exercise can boost your brain power, therefore improving your memory and thinking skills. In addition, it has been shown to reduce stress, help you to sleep better, put you in a more positive mood, and even alleviate anxiety and depression—all of which will be of great benefit to your academic studies!