Five Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Although a natural part of life, aging can be a scary prospect to face. From the day we start noticing the first wrinkles on our faces to the realization that we don’t have the vigor of youth anymore, aging can be a tricky process. Aging comes with a host of positives and negatives, and one of the hallmark characteristics is that you may need constant specialized care to stay healthy as you age. However, as children and other family members move on, it can be challenging to find this care at home. Instead, nursing homes are a godsend for the elderly and their families alike. Nursing homes can provide their elderly residents with the care, socialization, and support they need to lead a proactive life. However, elderly residents can be highly vulnerable and can, at times, be open to exploitation by their caretakers. There are various ways this abuse can occur, and below we’ll list some of the most common types.


Neglect is easily one of the most damaging forms of nursing home abuse and often the most prevalent. As caretakers, nursing home staff and owners have a duty to their residents and need to ensure their needs are met at all times. Unfortunately, in some cases, staff members can neglect their residents to the extent that they cause lasting damage. Neglect can come in various forms, ranging from giving inappropriate medication to not providing enough food and water. It can also extend to failing to report or notice injuries or changes in the resident’s condition, ignoring their complaints, and leaving them unattended.

Neglect causes more than an inconvenience. It can significantly impact elderly residents’ lives and often cause irreparable damage. If you feel that the nursing staff is ignoring your or your loved one’s needs, legal action can be the best option. In addition, financial compensation can be vital in the aftermath of nursing home neglect, and hiring a nursing home neglect lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse is yet another prevalent form of nursing home abuse and can leave lasting scars on the resident’s mental health. Elderly residents often rely entirely upon their caretakers for their basic needs, creating an unbalanced power dynamic. Caretakers can thus exploit the residents emotionally and may abuse their position of power.

Emotional abuse is often one of the most dangerous kinds of abuse as it can be challenging for family members to notice. Emotional abuse leaves no scars or bruises, but it can immensely impact the resident’s quality of life. It can include name-calling, verbal abuse, humiliation, isolation, blackmail, and more. In addition,  emotional abuse can break the individual’s spirit and make them withdrawn, anxious, depressed, and cause low self-esteem. In nursing homes, emotional abuse can also include caretakers being overly controlling of the residents, isolating them from family members, and threatening them.

Financial abuse

Financial abuse is often ignored in nursing home abuse but can be incredibly damaging for residents and their families. Elderly residents without active family involvement are the most vulnerable to financial abuse, as they don’t have anyone outside managing their affairs. In such cases, nursing homes can often pair up with private guardians who then assume control of the resident’s finances.

Apart from this, financial abuse can also include stealing or forging financial documents, using a resident’s diminished state of mind to steal signatures, or misusing a power of attorney. Moreover, financial abuse can also include simpler things such as charging the residents for treatments or facilities they don’t use. Financial abuse can create tremendous strain on the resident and their family with time. If you feel that a caretaker is assuming too much control over a loved one’s personal affairs, charging too much, or if their money is being drained, you may have cause to worry. Financial fraud can be challenging to deal with if left unchecked.

Physical abuse

It can be challenging for family members to put their elderly in nursing homes, but they do so knowing their loved ones will be in a safe, protected, and healthy environment. However, this same environment can be incredibly damaging and entail the worst abuse. It can be hard to imagine physical abuse in a nursing home, but it is unfortunately very prevalent.

Physical abuse in a nursing home stems from the unbalanced power dynamic. It can include speaking to residents in a harsh tone, threatening them with abuse, to enacting the abuse. Pushing, shoving, rough handling, and general aggression are common signs of physical abuse. If left unchecked, physical abuse can escalate and lead to lasting damage or even death. It can easily be detected by observing marks on the body or by a resident’s anxious behavior around certain staff members.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse in elder care homes is an unfortunate reality that many residents face. Elderly residents often rely on their caretakers for many daily tasks, including dressing up, using the bathroom, taking a shower, and more. Unfortunately, some caretakers can thus abuse their position and perpetuate sexual abuse. Sexual abuse entails everything from unwarranted sexual comments to touching, groping, and more.

Sexual abuse can often be perpetrated against residents who can’t defend themselves, such as residents who are disabled or who can’t communicate their needs. It can be challenging to determine when sexual abuse occurs, especially for family members who aren’t around often. However, if you feel that there are some marked changes in behavior, there may be cause for concern. Sexual abuse can become incredibly damaging, and it can be challenging for such vulnerable residents to recover.


Nursing homes can be incredibly safe spaces for their residents, but they can also be dangerous when mismanaged and overlooked. As a resident or a family member of one, it’s important to stay vigilant and recognize when your rights are being abused. Nursing home abuse is no small matter, and it can come with lasting repercussions. Any form of abuse listed here can be emotionally and physically damaging, so it’s crucial to spot the signs early on.