Different Procedures in Full Mouth Reconstruction and Its Benefits

Cosmetic dentistry has emerged as a viable option for people with personal concerns and those who may have some functional problems. While cosmetic procedures are increasingly employed for aesthetic purposes, they also address other serious concerns. One such procedure is a full mouth reconstruction. 

Also known as complete mouth restoration or full mouth rehabilitation, the process involves rebuilding or restoring all of the teeth present in both jaws in a patient’s mouth. Many people have complaints of constant dental issues such as enamel damage, loss of teeth due to decay, fractured teeth, or worn-out teeth. 

Additionally, there are also patients living with congenital conditions, which can predispose them to dental issues. Dental experts can perform full mouth reconstruction in Encino to address all these concerns. 

What procedures are involved in a full mouth reconstruction?

  1. Preventive care for the teeth, including cleaning and other forms of periodontal care, is the preliminary procedure involved in a full mouth reconstruction. It is recommended that teeth cleaning procedures be opted for regularly to help maintain healthy teeth.
  2. Dental implants are a standard part of full mouth reconstructions. They involve positioning surgical implants in the jawbone, which root for damaged or decaying teeth. 
  3. Crowns are commonly used in complete mouth reconstruction procedures. A tooth-shaped crown is created according to the shape and size of the actual tooth of the patient. The crown is then placed on the tooth or teeth which are damaged or decayed, thereby changing the appearance.
  4. A continuous series of three or more crowns make up a dental bridge. This process is used in the case of missing teeth. The two end crowns are placed on existing teeth, while the crowns in the middle act as fillers for the missing teeth. 
  5. Some patients have crooked teeth, and their placement sometimes makes tooth whitening difficult. In such a situation, veneers are used. Veneers are custom-made “shells” of porcelain that fit natural teeth to deal with misaligned or discolored teeth. 
  6. One of the most common procedures in full mouth reconstruction is that of dentures. Getting dentures involves creating an entire row of artificial teeth for both the upper and lower jaw. 
  7. Reconstructions also may require tooth extraction. An extraction is a viable option in severe decay to teeth that do not have alternate treatment. Extractions are also recommended for people who have smaller jawbones which leads to overcrowded teeth. 

Benefits of Full Mouth Reconstruction:

  • Full mouth reconstruction can address various functional issues. People with critical damage or decay to their teeth may find it difficult to perform routine functions such as chewing. Reconstruction can restore functionality.
  • Full mouth reconstruction is an effective tool to help monitor, treat, and reverse signs of periodontal disease. If the periodontal disease worsens and leads to periodontitis, it can cause irreversible dental issues. 
  • Reconstruction can also help with maintaining general oral and dental hygiene. The process of reconstruction can help address other general issues of hygiene and lead to healthier dental practices.
  • The procedures involved in full mouth reconstruction eventually result in higher self-confidence as they address both aesthetic and functional aspects.