Difference between Vegan and Vegetarian Chart: Know here in detail!

In this blog we are going to tell you about Difference between Vegan and Vegetarian Chart, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.

Nowadays, becoming vegan or vegetarian is a trend among people. Vegetarianism is an old concept that is especially followed by the people of Hinduism. For Hindus, it is a tradition or ritual to avoid non-veg such as meat, flesh, or eggs in the diet. It starts from right there both till they survive. On the other hand, Vegan is a relatively new concept that came into existence because of the maltreatment of animals for satisfying human needs. There are many reasons why people choose to be either Vegetarian or Vegan. Some people confuse them together and think Vegan is a short form of Vegetarian but it is not so. There are significant differences between these two terms. Continue reading the article to know more about Vegan and Vegetarian along with the main differences so that you can decide which is helpful.

What is Vegan?

Vegans are persons who are completely dependent on plant products which implies that they do not use any kind of animal-produced products irrespective of food or clothing. This practice is regarded as veganism. Veganism is a subset or a kind of vegetarianism. The primary reason why people adopt veganism is ethical issues that are animal rights. People who believe that animals are treated poorly or killed when they become less productive with age so they become sympathetic to them. This is the reason a lot of people switched from vegetarian or non-vegetarian to vegan. Moreover, it is also found that a healthy vegan diet leads to a decrease in chronic diseases such as cancer, asthma, diabetes, and even AIDS. In simple terms, a vegetarian who exclusively eats only plant products is regarded as a vegan.

What is Vegetarian?

Vegetarians are the people who eat plant products but in some cases also eat eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians usually avoid consuming the meat and flesh of animals. But unlike vegans, they use animal products such as leather, wool, silk, etc. This type of practice is regarded as vegetarianism. In addition to this, there are several classes of vegetarianism which are as follows:

  • Ovo vegetarians are those who use eggs but not dairy products.
  • Semi-vegetarians are vegetarians who eat meat occasionally.
  • Lacto vegetarians are those who use dairy products but not eggs.
  • Vegans are those who completely avoid the use of animal products.

People adopt vegetarianism because of their health or diet and some may for other social or religious reasons.

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Main Differences between Vegan and Vegetarian

The following are the differences between Vegan and Vegetarian as mentioned below:

  • Vegetarians are those persons who do not eat animal flesh but they believe in using animal products such as wool and leather and also consume eggs and dairy products. On the other hand, Vegans do not use or consume any kind of animal-produced product.
  • The person who practices veganism is regarded as Vegan whereas the person who practices vegetarianism is regarded as Vegetarian.
  • The person who is a vegan is also a vegetarian but the vegetarian person is not necessarily a vegan as a vegan is just a kind of vegetarian.
  • The concept of vegetarianism has been in use since 1839 whereas the concept of vegan is relatively new as it has been in use since 1944.
  • People who move towards being vegetarian are mainly because of their social or religious causes whereas Veganism is adopted by people due to animal slaughter as they believe that animals are very badly treated human requirements so they stop using animal products.

Which diet is healthier?

Both Vegan and Vegetarian offer similar health benefits and usually encourage people to eat more antioxidant-rich and nutrient-dense foods. It is quite hard to say which diet is healthier because they both have advantages and disadvantages. For instance, unlike vegans, Lacto vegetarians get calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D from dairy products but at the same time avoiding dairy products and eggs may help vegans to keep their cholesterol levels in control. Moreover, following a plant-based diet does not guarantee good health but both vegetarians and vegans can lead a healthy lifestyle depending on their health and food choices.

The bottom line

So overall, vegetarians do not eat flesh but consume dairy products and eggs whereas Vegans do not consume flesh as well as any other sort of animal-related product such as eggs and milk. So the one thing that is common in both diets is that they mainly depend on plant products. But as Vegans completely avoid products so their diet lacks some vitamins but it can be replaced by its alternatives. On the other hand, a vegetarian diet is full of nutrients. We hope that the article was helpful and you have got the difference between vegetarian and vegan. At last, it all depends on you which you want to adapt to as per your beliefs and reasons.

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We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about Difference between Vegan and Vegetarian Chart. Thanks for reading this blog.