Are you worried about the signs of tubes growing back together after tubal ligation? If you’ve had a tubal ligation, you probably know how imperative it is to ensure a successful procedure and recovery.
Having your tubes tied shouldn’t be a difficult struggle, but trying to keep track of whether or not the procedure itself worked is always essential. Fortunately, knowing how to tell if the tubes did grow back together is relatively easy to tell once you learn what warning signs to look for.
Knowing is half the battle, as they say. So understanding how to maintain quality reproductive health throughout your lifetime requires foreknowledge of potential added risk to your procedure.
Keep reading to learn more about how to identify if your tubes are growing back together.
Signs of Tubes Growing Back Together
After six weeks of getting a tubal ligation procedure, it is common for the fallopian tubes to have healed after surgery. It is not a cause for concern, as the body is trying to repair the damage done during the surgery. But here are some of the signs if your tubes have fused again together:
Irregular Periods
If you have had a tubal ligation to prevent pregnancy, you may wonder if there are any signs that the tubes have grown back together. Some women report having irregular periods after a tubal ligation, but this is not considered a reliable sign of tubes growing back together alone.
Pelvic Pain
There are a few signs that tubes may grow back together after a tubal ligation. One is if a woman experiences pelvic pain. This may be a sign of endometriosis, which can occur when the Fallopian tubes grow back together.
Unusual Bleeding
You may notice that your periods are heavier or last longer than usual, or you may have unexpected bleeding in between periods. It usually happens if scar tissue or injury to the part of the clipped tube or burned during the procedure. If the tubes grow together, it’s possible to get pregnant, but it’s rare.Â
Risk of Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation
Although tubal ligation is considered a permanent form of birth control, there is always a small risk of pregnancy. This is usually because the fallopian tubes can grow back together, or a tubal ligation can fail.
The chances of getting pregnant after a tubal ligation are about 1 in 200. If you get pregnant after a tubal ligation, there is an increased risk of pregnancy outside the uterus.
Should I Get a Tubal Reversal?
A tubal reversal may be beneficial if your tubes are growing back together to increase the chances of having a child if you want to or avoid the risk of ectopic pregnancies. Although tubal reversal is a surgery, it is relatively simple and has a high success rate.
If you are considering this option, speak with your physician to discuss the risks and benefits. You can visit to learn more about your options.
Make Sure Your Tubes are Safe and Secured
If you have had a tubal ligation, look for a few signs of tubes growing back together to ensure your birth control is still intact. These include increasing fertility, changes in your menstrual cycle, and pain in your lower abdomen. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you must speak to your doctor to confirm what measures to take.
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