Cosmetic Dentistry for Teeth Repair

A good smile is a natural aesthetic. However, a bad dental appearance might limit you from smiling. You can fix this using cosmetic dentistry in Westfield, where your dentist will partially or entirely reconstruct your teeth.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a term that describes dental procedures used to enhance your dental outlook. Most of these dental processes are not medical. There are many benefits of cosmetic dentistry that include:

·         Improved self-confidence. You will be able to interact with people without fear and embarrassment.

·         It enhances general appearance.

·         Oral health improvement.

 Your dentist will recommend a treatment process based on your dental problem. There are several types of cosmetic dentistry procedures, they include:

Inlays and Onlays

Your dentist will use this procedure to repair mild tooth decay when you lack enough tooth structure for a filling. If your tooth cusps are not damaged, your dentist will directly place inlay on your tooth surface. Your dental specialist will then use an onlay to cover the tooth surface. Inlays are made in a dental laboratory using composite resins.

Teeth whitening

Bleaching is the most basic cosmetic dentistry procedure. This process brightens stained teeth. Your dentist will first clean your teeth by getting rid of plaque, tartar, and debris. The dentist will use bleach to remove all stains and whiten your teeth.

Dental implants

Your dentist will use an implant to replace a missing tooth. They are made from titanium which is a strong metal. Before the process, your dental specialist will administer a local anesthetic to prevent pain. Your dentist will make an incision and place the implant in place of the missing tooth. The dental implant becomes the root and supports artificial teeth.

Cosmetic dental crowns

It is a less evasive procedure than implants. Dental crowns made using porcelain and metal are custom-made to fit your tooth correctly. Your dentist will use this procedure to fix broken, poorly shaped teeth, and restore their natural shape.

Dental veneers

Veneers are thin shells made from porcelain, your dentist masks them to the front of a tooth. Your dental specialist will use veneers if you have a single tooth or multiple teeth that are discolored. Your dentist will scrape off a small amount of enamel on the surface of your tooth. Using a unique adhesive, your dentist will bond the dental veneers to your teeth’ surface.

Composite bonding

During this procedure, your dentist will drill out decay from the damaged tooth and apply a composite on the surface. Your dentist will shape your tooth and use a special beam of light to harden the deposit.

After the procedure, your dental specialist will send you home with several guidelines that will preserve your teeth. Examples of these instructions are:

·         Brush your teeth properly to avoid buildup of stains on your teeth

·         Do not chew hard foods because veneers and crowns could fall out

·         Avoid toothpaste containing baking soda since it is very abrasive and will wear off your  dental shells

·         Wear a night guard at night to protect your teeth from grinding and clenching

Reserve a session at Dental Studios for cosmetic dentistry to enhance your appearance.