Causes And Treatment Of Damaged Hair

Most people love shiny hair with large volumes. However, sometimes hair gets damaged, forcing you to cut it short. Exposing your hair to sun, pollution, and toxic chemicals are some of the causes of damaged hair. However, you don’t have to worry because has got you covered. They can help you restore your hair and smile again.

Signs of Damaged Hair

The signs of damaged hair include;


Like the body, hair requires nutrients to grow. Hair dullness results from a lack of moisture for a prolonged period. Mainly, it’s caused by exposing hair to chemicals such as shampoos that absorb hair moisture. Using shampoos and oils from toxic chemicals makes the hair lose its strength and break.

Dry Ends

Hair with dry ends is difficult to comb and breaks easily. In addition, it’s painful and trying to detangle these ends could result in more breakage. Dry ends are caused by chemical products or exposing hair to excessive heat.


Dry and brittle hair breaks easily. It’s caused by overheating and hair straightening. The excessive heat of hair dryers makes hair dry, and the ends become brittle. Over time, your hair breaks and reduces in volume and height.

Causes of Damaged Hair

Most people damage natural hair by exposing it to external factors such as blow drying and straightening. The causes of damaged hair include;


People use shampoos to remove dirt and oil that cause dirt and a foul smell in the hair. However, using shampoos every few days strips off natural oils from the hair and scalp and makes it dry and brittle. Over time, you notice chunks of hair on your hand every time you use shampoo on your hair.


Tying knots on the hair to make it curly could damage your hair. Styling exerts extreme pressure on the hair, and if you do it several times, you notice that your hair becomes weaker. With time, hair falls because it becomes weaker. However, can help you transform your hair into how it was before.

Hair Treatment and Solutions

Seeking medical treatment is crucial to prevent further hair damage and restore beauty. There are several ways medical experts can treat your hair.

Use Sulfate-Free Hair Products

Most shampoos have sulfate-based chemicals that are harmful to your hair. That’s why hair experts give you sulfate-free hair products that prevent breakage and ensure your hair grows stronger with more volume.

Condition Hair Thoroughly

Condition hair helps to detangle it. Conditioners are rich in protein that help to strengthen and prevent damage. Deep conditioning strengthens hair from the scalp all the way to the ends.

Cut Damaged Ends

Brittle hair ends prevent hair growth. Thus, you can treat your damaged hair by cutting the weak and tangled ends. Then, keep your hair moisturized and apply oils rich with nutrients to boost hair growth.

Bottom Line

Damaged hair can be stressful to handle daily. Thus, if you notice these signs, including breakage and dry ends, you should look for solutions to treat your hair. You can ask a medical expert from for help or cut the damaged ends.