Can You Prevent Glaucoma? – Some Facts to Consider Without Fail

Glaucoma is the most hazardous eye condition that damages the vision partially or completely. It is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve. The major reason for this medical condition is high pressure in the eyes. It is the leading cause of blindness in people over 60 years of age. However, it can occur at any age in adults. It is important to get in touch with an eye specialist to get the proper treatment for glaucoma in Hell’s Kitchen if you feel that the problem has worsened. If you want to prevent it, you should keep in mind the below-mentioned key points:

Regular Eye Examination

Most of us avoid going to an eye specialist as we are scared of tests and examinations. This can be the biggest mistake when it comes to glaucoma because early detection can save a person from becoming completely blind. It is strongly recommended to visit an eye specialist for a comprehensive examination once a year. If they detect any signs of this problem, he will suggest a screening. Frequent examinations are suggested for those of older age or people above 45 years of age.

Follow Medication Schedule Properly 

If you have been diagnosed with an eye problem, and the health care provider has prescribed medications including eye drops, you must follow the schedule without fail. The eye pressure should be maintained properly to prevent glaucoma. If you are already using eye drops for this medical condition, you should adhere to the schedule so that the condition does not worsen.

Don’t Forget to Wear Eye Protection

Eye protection is a must when it comes to preventing glaucoma. Mostly, it occurs due to an eye injury. You have to be careful while playing any sport or working with tools. Even when you are driving a cycle or bike, you should not forget to wear sunglasses. It will protect you from getting dust particles into your eyes and other injuries. If you are going to swim, dive, or get involved in any sport, you should cover your eyes with the right kind of eyewear.


Not many of us are fond of performing exercises for the eyes. However, it can reduce the risk of getting glaucoma. This is because eye exercises reduce the pressure on the eyes.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding your eye health, don’t hesitate to meet with an eye specialist near you.