Best Age for Circumcision Surgery: Know When Should You Get Circumcision Surgery

Circumcision is a procedure in which the surgical foreskin is removed from a baby’s penis. One of the many benefits of circumcision is that illnesses like urinary tract infections tend to be less common. Though it is more common in babies, Circumcision can also be performed on older boys and men. The circumcised penis typically recovers in a week, regardless of age.

If you are still confused and want to know the best age for Circumcision Surgery then continue reading the article to know more about Circumcision and when it should be performed.

What is circumcision?

A circumcision procedure removes the foreskin that covers the glans (head) of the penis. Soon after birth, newborns typically have their circumcisions. Circumcision first emerged as a religious ritual and today people are circumcised for religious, medical, and cultural reasons.

Within the first week of life, many newborn boys have their genitals cut off. Despite being less prevalent, adults can still get circumcised.

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Best Age for Circumcision Surgery

We typically advise circumcision in the first few weeks of life. The Muslim community follows tradition and circumcises children on the seventh day. Since the healing process is frequently quicker at this young age, we also advise it. Baby skin is softer in the first few weeks of life, therefore when we tie the foreskin, it dies and heals more quickly because it frequently employs the Plastibell ring method.

Circumcision in Boys

In the UK, circumcisions are typically carried out during childhood or adolescence. Depending on why you need the operation, you should schedule it accordingly. In many instances, the surgery must be carried out as soon as symptoms occur and the issue is identified. Your doctor might advise having surgery immediately away if your son has one of the following conditions:

  • Balanitis, another name for recurring infections or inflammation
  • UTIs that recur, but only when they are severe and unresponsive to various treatments
  • When inflammation and scarring result in phimosis or a tight foreskin, the condition is known as balanitis xerotica obliterans.
  • The condition known as paraphimosis, in which the foreskin has been pulled back but is unable to return to its previous position, must be treated right once to avoid complications including blood supply disruptions.

However, there are situations when it is preferable to postpone surgery. It isn’t always necessary to have surgery straight immediately if your son has phimosis, which indicates that the foreskin is too tight to be pushed back from the head of the penis.

The foreskin is always too tight to pull back when a male is born. When boys are about two years old, the foreskin often begins to detach from the head of the penis. By the age of five, it should be completely detachable and retractable. This may take a little longer for certain guys, as it does for all youngsters during different phases of development.

It is typically best to wait and see whether the issue goes away on its own. By the age of roughly 10, the foreskin typically retracts. Surgery may need to be considered if this doesn’t occur or if the symptoms are severe.

Circumcision at Older Ages

Although it is conceivable, becoming circumcised as an adult is often only done when issues arise later in life. If a man experiences scarring or inflammation, phimosis, paraphimosis, or other issues, he may need to be circumcised. However, to avoid surgery, various treatments are typically performed first.

Even though circumcision can be done as an adult, you shouldn’t put it off if your son already has phimosis or other foreskin-related health issues. Phimosis is a painful illness that can cause boys to feel ashamed of themselves and potentially harm their self-esteem. Boys can recover more quickly from the surgery if they get it done sooner rather than later because our ability to heal also tends to deteriorate with age. For boys, the skin will often recover in a few days, but for adult males, it may take up to ten days.

When is circumcision performed?

Usually, circumcisions take place in the hospital within a day or two of birth. It’s best to complete it right away. It is said that the procedure may become more risky if it is delayed.

The Jewish tradition of circumcision (also known as a bris) is carried out when a baby is 8 days old. Other societies wait till a later age to undergo circumcision.

Who performs a circumcision?

The circumcision of the newborn can be performed in the hospital by a urologist, obstetrician, or pediatrician. The procedure can also be carried out later, in the doctor’s office. On the other hand, a mohel who is a qualified expert, circumcises the boy at a bris.

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So overall, Male infant circumcision is a highly common operation. Circumcision has many advantages, one of which is that it makes the penis simpler to clean. Additionally, circumcision might lessen certain illnesses, such as UTIs. Like any surgical procedure, circumcision carries some risks as well. So make sure to discuss circumcision with your doctor to determine if it’s the best option for your child or not. We hope you found this article helpful and now you know the best age for Circumcision Surgery.