Barley Tea Health Benefits

Barley tea, commonly known as roasted barley tea or mugicha, is a centuries-old traditional East Asian beverage. Roasting barley grains and steeping them in hot water produces a nutty, toasty-flavored tea. Barley tea is a popular beverage in nations such as Japan, Korea, and China, and it may be taken hot or cold. Here are a few facts regarding barley tea:

Ingredients: – Barley tea is produced from roasted barley grains that are frequently combined with additional ingredients such as maize, buckwheat, or tea leaves. To improve the flavour, the tea is brewed in hot water, and some people add sweeteners such as honey or sugar.

Flavour: – Barley tea has a distinct nutty, toasted flavour that is comparable to coffee but without the bitterness. It is relished both hot and cold and is typically characterised as having a somewhat smokey flavour.

Caffeine content: – Since barley tea is naturally caffeine-free, it is an excellent substitute for coffee and other caffeinated beverages. It is an excellent alternative for caffeine-sensitive individuals or those seeking a caffeine-free beverage.

Preparation: – Barley tea is made by roasting barley grains and steeping them in hot water for several minutes. The tea can be served hot or cold and, if desired, sweetened with honey or sugar. Barley tea is now available as tea bags, making it convenient to boil and consume while on the go.

Benefits of Barley Tea

  • Antioxidant-rich: Antioxidants included in barley tea help protect the body from free radicals, which can cause cellular damage and lead to chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralise free radicals, keeping them from damaging the body’s cells and tissues. Barley tea includes phenolic acids, flavonoids, and tocopherols, all of which have been demonstrated to have high antioxidant action.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels: Barley tea includes compounds that have been demonstrated to lower LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood, potentially lowering the risk of heart disease. LDL cholesterol can accumulate in artery walls, producing blockages that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Numerous studies have found that drinking barley tea can help decrease LDL cholesterol and improve overall cholesterol profile. Drinking barley tea for four weeks resulted in a substantial drop in LDL cholesterol levels in persons with high cholesterol levels, according to one research published in the Journal of Nutrition.
  • Promotes digestion: Barley tea is a natural diuretic that can help the body drain out toxins and extra water. It also includes dietary fibre, which can aid in digestion and avoid constipation. Diuretics aid the kidneys in removing extra water and salt from the body, reducing bloating and swelling. The fibre in barley tea can also aid in the promotion of regular bowel movements and the prevention of constipation.
  • Reduces inflammation: Barley tea has anti-inflammatory chemicals that can help reduce inflammation in the body and may be especially beneficial for persons suffering from inflammatory disorders like arthritis. Inflammation is a natural immune system reaction to injury or infection, but persistent inflammation can lead to a variety of health issues such as arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. Many anti-inflammatory chemicals found in barley tea, such as saponins, lignans, and phenolic acids, have been demonstrated to decrease inflammation in the body.
  • Promotes relaxation: Theanine, an amino acid found in barley tea, is believed to enhance relaxation and lower stress levels. It can be especially beneficial for persons who suffer from anxiety or have difficulty sleeping. Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves that has a soothing effect on the brain. It can aid with stress reduction, relaxation, and sleep quality.
  • Helps with weight loss: Barley tea is low in calories and can be an excellent substitute for sugary drinks. It also includes chemicals that have been demonstrated to assist weight reduction by lowering dietary fat absorption. Consuming barley tea instead of sugary beverages like soda and juice will help you lose weight by lowering your calorie consumption. Moreover, barley tea includes beta-glucans, which can limit dietary fat absorption and improve feelings of fullness, both of which can help reduce calorie consumption.
  • May improve bone health: Calcium, magnesium, and potassium are all minerals found in barley tea that are beneficial to bone health. These minerals are necessary for the formation and maintenance of strong bones, as well as the prevention of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes the bones to become weak and brittle, increasing the likelihood of fractures and breaks. It is a prevalent condition, especially among older persons, and can be caused by a number of variables such as heredity, lifestyle, and hormone changes. Foods and drinks high in bone-building minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, can help prevent or reduce the onset of osteoporosis.
  • Anti-cancerous properties: Among the many possible health advantages of barley tea, anti-cancer effects have been demonstrated. Cancer is a complicated disease that may be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environment. While there is no one treatment for cancer, eating a balanced diet and include anti-cancer foods and drinks in your diet may help lower your chance of acquiring it. The strong antioxidant content of barley tea is one of its primary anti-cancer qualities. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from free radicals, which are unstable substances that may cause cell and tissue damage. Many antioxidants, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, and lignans, have been demonstrated to have anti-cancer activities in barley tea.
  • Low in calorie: Certainly, barley tea is a low-calorie beverage that may be an excellent substitute for sugary beverages. One cup (240 ml) of barley tea has just 4-6 calories, which is far lower than other popular beverages like soda or fruit juice. This makes it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to cut their calorie consumption while maintaining a healthy weight. Also, drinking barley tea can help you keep hydrated, which is beneficial to your general health. Keeping hydrated may help regulate your body temperature, keep your skin healthy, and keep your body running smoothly. You may enhance your general health and lower your chance of acquiring health problems by drinking low-calorie, hydrating liquids like barley tea.


To summarise, barley tea is a nutritious and pleasant beverage with several health advantages. It is a pleasant and healthy alternative that may be enjoyed hot or cold throughout the day. Barley tea has a mellow, nutty flavour that may be consumed either hot or cold. It is easy to make at home with whole barley grains or barley tea bags, and it is also available pre-packaged at many Asian grocery stores. Consider trying barley tea if you’re searching for a nutritious, refreshing drink that won’t fill you up.