Arterial and Venous Conditions Interferes With Effective Blood Circulation

Most people do not know how effective their blood vessels are until a malfunction occurs and blood can no longer flow efficiently to where it is supposed to. While some arterial and venous conditions like spider veins are harmless and might fade without aggressive treatments, others like Peripheral Arterial Disease can cause tissue death and turn fatal if you do not seek medical intervention. El Paso Desert West Vein & Surgery Center, experts in venous and arterial-related conditions offer their patient expert care for several of these issues including:

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

PAD is a typical circulatory problem affecting your arteries, especially those carrying blood to your legs and arms. Your healthy arteries have smooth linings that prevent your blood from clotting, thus, enhancing efficient blood flow. However, your arteries’ smooth linings begin to narrow and harden with Peripheral Arterial Disease. PAD causes plaque (cholesterol, excessive fats, and other floating elements in your blood) to form in your arterial walls gradually. When plaque narrows or blocks your arteries, they prevent blood from reaching your other body parts leading to tissue damage, eventually killing the affected tissues.

PAD has no cure; however, your doctor will recommend various ways like lifestyle changes to control your symptoms and prevent the disorder from deteriorating. If necessary, your doctor will suggest angioplasty or surgery to fix your problem.

Varicose Veins

You are likely to have varicose veins when your veins fail to function effectively. Your functional veins carry blood from your other body parts to your heart and have one-way valves that promote the unidirectional blood flow to your heart. A malfunction of the valves allows backflow resulting in blood pooling in areas below the affected vessels causing them to stretch and enlarge. You are at risk of developing varicose veins if you are pregnant, obese, or stand for long hours.

Varicose veins experts are usually conservative with treatment. Therefore, your doctor will suggest you change your lifestyle instead of jumping straight to aggressive treatments. The professional will advise you to wear compression socks, eat healthily, exercise regularly, and avoid standing for long to minimize pressure on the affected veins. If lifestyle changes fail to work and the painful symptoms interfere with your life, the surgeon could opt for a surgical procedure. Your invasive options could include sclerotherapy, endovenous ablation therapy, or vein ligation and stripping.

Spider Veins

Unlike varicose veins, spider veins are harmful and do not have adverse effects. Thus, most patients with these small veins will treat them for aesthetic reasons. These web-like veins can either be permanent or may eventually disappear after a few months, especially if you had them because of other issues like pregnancy. Spider veins do not necessarily require medical intervention; however, your doctor will suggest you wear compression stockings to prevent the existing veins from increasing in size, or new ones from showing near your skin surface. The common aesthetic treatments your doctor will recommend are laser treatments and sclerotherapy. Though spider veins are not harmful, contact your doctor immediately if the veins become tender or painful.

Your blood vessels are responsible for ensuring that every organ or body part has blood and nutrients to help them work effectively. Damage, blockage, or malfunction of one of the vessels can cause circulatory problems. Contact the artery and vein experts today or book an appointment for further inquiries.