An Overview of the Invisalign Timeline

It’s estimated that, at any given time, approximately four million people in the United States are wearing braces, so if you’re itching to fix those pearly whites of yours you’re not alone.

A great option, and one that’s blowing traditional braces out of the water, is Invisalign.

More people are choosing Invisalign over traditional braces as they’re subtle, less painful, and can potentially cut your treatment timeline in half.

How long does Invisalign take, though? If you’re wondering this you’re not alone.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Invisalign timeline, along with how it compares to the timeline of traditional braces.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a form of braces that uses a series of clear tray aligners to shift your teeth into the correct position.

The trays are made from a specific blend of plastic and molded to fit in your mouth. The plastic is so strong that it will put pressure on certain parts of your teeth in order to slowly shift them into a better position. You replace the trays every one to two weeks. Each tray will have a slightly different fit in your mouth to continuously shift your teeth into place.

After a consultation, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth to create a customized Invisalign fit. They will also draw up a treatment plan for you.

You’ll need to wear your Invisalign trays for about 20-22 hours per day in order to see results, but they can be removed easily for eating and brushing, and can easily be cleaned before putting them back into your mouth.

Invisalign Timeline

If you’re wondering how long before you see results with Invisalign, the truth is every case is different and the timeline varies.

Two people with two different dental issues can both be a candidate for Invisalign, but one issue can be minor and the other can be major. The more severe the issue is, the longer the process.

If you want a general answer to how long does Invisalign take, the basic average of the Invisalign timeline is about 12 months. However, here are more accurate timelines depending on the dental situation:

Crowded Teeth

Everyone has a different size mouth, so the same number of teeth that fit in someone else’s mouth can be too crowded in yours. Having a mouth that’s too crowded may cause your teeth to overlap or push into one another, leaving you with crooked teeth.

For crowding on the milder side, Invisalign may be able to fix that in as little as six months.

On the other hand, if your crowding is more severe, your dentist or orthodontist may want to take a different route before you begin your Invisalign journey. Your dentist may suggest removing teeth at the back of your mouth before getting Invisalign. This will free up space in your mouth to allow your teeth more room to space out during your treatment. If your dentist wants to go down this path, your Invisalign timeline can be over a year.

Closing Gaps

Gaps between your teeth are a popular reason someone may want to try out Invisalign, and they mainly occur due to the structure of your gums or tooth loss. It’s quicker to fix gaps than it is to fix overcrowding, as your teeth come together easier than they push apart.

Because of this, gaps that are on the smaller, milder side can take as little as eight weeks to fix. Larger, more severe gaps will take longer, but you likely will be looking at a timeline that’s less than twelve months.

If you’re unsure whether your gaps are considered small or large your dentist can help make the determination and give you a timeline for how long you can expect to wear Invisalign. Just be sure to wear your retainers afterward, as they will keep your teeth in place and help prevent your gaps from reforming.

General Alignment Issues

Crowded mouths aren’t the only thing that cause crooked teeth. Alignment issues can also be due to genetics, poor dental care, poor nutrition, facial injury, and even chewing habits.

Since alignment issues are often caused not only by the teeth themselves but by your jaw as well, the Invisalign timeline can be longer. For alignment issues, more work will most likely be required, so your Invisalign timeline can take almost two years.

How Long Until You See Results

Many people ask how long does Invisalign treatment take to work, and the good news is you’ll start seeing results before even completing your treatment.

This isn’t to say the results will come overnight, because the treatment is designed to slowly move your teeth over time. Each set of aligners you receive will move your teeth a bit closer to where they should be, so the process can be a bit slow, but some patients can start to notice results in as little as two weeks.

On the other hand, some patients won’t see results until about three months into their timeline. Some may take five months, but the important thing to remember is that each case is different, and some dental issues are easier to fix than others.

As long as you’re following up with your appointments as you should and your dentist tells you everything looks good there’s no reason to be worried if it takes a bit longer for you to see results than it takes someone else.

Timeline Comparison: Invisalign vs. Braces

If you’re trying to compare Invisalign and braces, you may be wondering which treatment will leave you with a shorter timeline.

The truth is, while traditional braces remain the OG option for straightening teeth, they can take much longer to work than Invisalign trays, so they’re no longer considered the best option.

In fact, traditional braces can take up to twice as long as Invisalign to work, with most treatments taking as long as two years.

Plus, there are some downsides when it comes to traditional braces that can slow down the process, such as if you break a bracket or a wire. Invisalign trays, on the other hand, are durable.

Get Straighter Teeth Today

Now that you know the Invisalign timeline you may be anxious to start the process—and we don’t blame you! Talk to your dentist or orthodontist to see if Invisalign is right for you.

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