An Inside Look Into the Different Teeth Whitening Procedures

Whiter teeth make you more inclined into smiling, a great way to create a positive first impression among others. Your self-confidence tends to heighten, with lesser facial insecurities to make you self-conscious. Conversely, stained or discolored teeth make you shy away from exposing your teeth. Sometimes you may intentionally avoid social places due to your affected self-confidence. Fortunately, San Ramon teeth whitening gives you the chance to make your teeth up to several shades brighter. Below is all you need to know about teeth whitening.

What Is Tooth Whitening?

It is the process of bleaching discolored teeth into shades whiter than the original color. The process can be done in your doctor’s office – professional whitening, or you can do it yourself at home. Although the process is safe, it might not be ideal for everyone whose teeth are stained. For example, teeth whitening may only be an option for people with healthy gums and yellow tones of discoloration. Patients with brown stains on their teeth may not benefit as much from the process. A discussion with your dentist will help you understand whether or not you are suitable for the procedure. Here are examples of whitening systems and products that can transform your appearance:

·         Whitening Rinses

Whitening rinses work just like most mouthwashes in that they get in teeth crevices that usual cleaning methods like brushing can’t. They reduce dental plaque, kill bacteria, and reduce your risk for gum disease. The major differentiating factor between them and mouthwash is that they contain hydrogen peroxide that bleaches your teeth. You can use them twice each day by swishing them around your mouth for at least one minute. Although they are easy to use, rinses may not offer the best results as there’s limited contact time between the product and your teeth. Brushing afterward using a whitening toothpaste may give the rinse a boost. 

·         In-office Whitening

Professional whitening is the most effective and faster method to whiten your teeth. It is also safer than home procedures which can cause damage to your gums. The whitening product your dentist uses contains a higher level of hydrogen peroxide than over-the-counter products. Your specialist applies the whitening product directly to your teeth’ surface and uses a laser to activate the bleaching. The process is repeated severally until the dentists attain your desired shade. In 30 minutes to an hour, you can expect a total transformation from your initial to current teeth color. Although it offers the most dramatic results, in-office whitening is more expensive than other procedures.

·         Over-the-counter Whitening Strips and Gel

It is a clear gel with a specific concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Whitening gels are available in medical stores, including pharmacies. Since different gels have varying peroxide levels, the directions vary depending on the strength of the concentration. You may need to apply them to your teeth twice daily as you follow your manufacturer’s instructions. You may notice a difference in your teeth’ color between 10 days and two weeks. However, the results are temporary and may only last for approximately four months.

You can avoid risks such as gum irritation by opting for an in-office whitening procedure. Book a session today with your dentist at San Ramon Dental Excellence.