Sleepless Nights or Insomnia? Know The Real Signs of Insomnia

Although lack of sleep is a common issue that most people experience, it can be due to various factors resulting in irregular sleeping patterns. Additionally, sleeplessness can get severe and cause weight gain, diabetes, and hypertension.

Insomnia can be chronic and temporary, but the condition can get worse if left untreated. Hence, consulting Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates, LLC is essential to get proper medical advice on insomnia.

Sometimes insomnia can occur due to medical conditions like cancer, heart disease, or arthritis. If you do not have a night of adequate sleep, you may feel fatigued during the day, which can also cause anxiety, irritability, and daytime tiredness.

Signs to look out for: 

Are you confused if you are experiencing insomnia or simply pulling all-nighters? It is said that insomnia can be temporary, but if you prevent it from getting worse, you can reduce the impact of severe insomnia problems. The following are some crucial signs to look for if you think you might be having insomnia. 

  1. Having trouble falling asleep:

If you are already in bed but cannot fall asleep for a few days in a row, then you might be experiencing temporary insomnia.

  1. Mood swings during the day: 

Although mood swings may arise due to other reasons, insomnia is also considered a reason since lack of sleep can affect your mood. Feeling of irritability and frustration can also follow along. 

  1. Lack of concentration: 

It is evident that if you feel tired, you may find trouble focussing on things. Likewise, insomnia can have an impact on your concentration levels.

  1. Frequent waking during nights: 

Usually, insomnia troubles falling asleep; it can also cause difficulty staying asleep, which means you might suddenly wake up from your sleep. Similarly, you may also experience disrupted sleeping cycles or disturbed sleep. 

  1. Struggling with memory power: 

Typically, how insomnia affects concentration, you may see its impact on remembering things in general. It can take a toll on your memory. 

  1. Difficulty in going back to sleep: 

It might be hard for you to go back to sleep even if you woke up due to a heavy noise or a banging sound. It cannot be easy to sleep again.

A few complications may arise due to insomnia which you should keep in mind, like high blood pressure, stroke, mood-related disorders, diabetes, and obesity. Sometimes insomnia can also affect your driving and result in an unpredictable accident. Hence, getting treated after seeing the early signs of insomnia is essential.