5 Everyday Tips to Care for Your Fillings

You can get a tooth filled when it becomes damaged or decayed to restore its function and form. However, this comes with some responsibilities to ensure you enjoy the maximum benefits of the treatment. That is why you need experts like the filling specialists at Couture Smiles to understand what you should do to maintain the treatment. It would help if you took careful measures to care for your tooth filling daily to ensure it lasts longer and offers you more benefits. Here are some tips to help you.

Keep Brushing and Flossing

You probably have a daily routine of cleaning your teeth which you should continue to adhere to after getting a filling. Guarantee you brush after each meal and floss at least daily to maintain not only your filling but also promote the health of your teeth and gums. This will also help you avoid unsightly stains and minimize your chances of getting additional fillings. No matter your tooth brushing routine, it would be better to adopt brushing after every meal to eliminate stuck food in your teeth, increasing your chances for further cavities. Also, ensure you brush after drinking wine, tea, or coffee to avoid staining.

Manage Your Beverages, Acidic Foods, and Sugar Intake

You can contribute to better oral health by controlling your intake of acidic foods, beverages, and sugary foods, which increases the chances of developing cavities. Keep in mind that new tooth decay can still occur under the filings if you continue consuming these types of foods. Eventually, it will make your fillings weak and break down, causing unhealthy leaks for your teeth and gums. Anytime you eat such foods, remember to brush as it can minimize the need for further fillings. Rinsing your mouth with water when you cannot brush can also help. Drink more water and eat a well-balanced diet, including legumes, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.

Use Specialized Pastes

Consult your doctor about the particular kinds of toothpaste you should use when you have a filling. But generally, fluoride paste or gel can help if you have had multiple filings. This protects your teeth from further cavities and promotes good overall oral health. Additionally, such pastes can help strengthen the enamel supporting your fillings and increasing the lifespan of the fillings.

Stay Away from Alcoholic Products

Alcohol may decrease the durability of your fillings. You should avoid any alcoholic products, including alcoholic kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes. Ensure you invest in non-alcoholic products to avoid further complications with your filings. The products are locally available in the stores or at the pharmacy but remember to consult your doctor before using any new product on your teeth.

 Manage Your Teeth Grinding

Your chances of damaging your fillings are high if you have the habit of grinding and clenching your teeth at night. Therefore, it would be good to let your doctor know this so that they can help you adapt to the fillings without destroying them. You might benefit from a mouthguard. Additionally, avoid holding objects, opening bottles, or biting nails using your teeth as they can damage your teeth and the fillings.

Book an appointment with your fillings specialist today to understand more about the treatment. Ensure you consult your provider about the necessary measures you should take to maintain your fillings and enjoy more benefits.