What Causes Drug Addiction & Substance Abuse Disorders?

Do you suspect your loved one is suffering from addiction?

Drug addiction is not as rare as anyone thinks. Over 10 percent of American adults suffered from drug use disorder at some point. Before you can help your loved one’s addiction recovery, you must recognize the signs of addiction.

What causes drug addiction? Answering this question will make it easier for you to identify addictive behaviors. Our guide can help, so read on and learn:

Environmental Factors of Addiction

Nature versus nurture is the centerpiece of these addiction factors. After all, both play a role in developing signs of substance abuse. Here are some external factors affecting addiction:

Family Dynamics

Dysfunctional families are often the primary contributors to substance abuse. For example, one or both parents are either overly attached or indifferent to their child. Early family relationships can impact everyone’s psyche in the long run.

As a result, the way people can relate to others will differ. Sometimes, coping with the emotional turbulence results in drug and alcohol abuse.


Trauma and substance abuse have a strong link. Various traumatic events can cause someone to become addicted to alcohol and drugs. It applies regardless of inherent mental strength:

  • Assault
  • Military combat
  • Physical abuse
  • Natural catastrophes
  • Witnessing other traumatic events

Abuse and neglect often trigger drug abuse and alcoholism. It happens mostly during childhood. A person growing with these experiences is more likely to depend on substances during adulthood.

Peer Pressure

One of the strongest predictors of adolescent substance abuse is through their peers. When teenagers’ friends ask them to drink or smoke, they are more likely to agree. Peer pressure is more compelling than parental drinking behaviors.

However, this behavior goes beyond adolescents. Even middle-aged drinkers face peer pressure from colleagues.

Genetic Factors of Addiction

Addiction and genetics have a strong link. A drug abuse disorder can have a heritability of 30% to 70%. It depends on the type of substance the parent abused.

If an immediate family member struggles with addiction, you are at risk. The worst part is scientists never found the specific gene related to addiction. However, they have enough information to pinpoint similar genes related to addiction.

Mental Health Disorders and Addiction

People with poor mental health are more likely to have substance abuse disorders as well. These are co-occurring disorders since one will often cause the other.

For example, people with depression take drugs to get rid of the feeling. It causes them to become addicted in the long run. Meanwhile, using drugs for years can cause depression once addiction recovery begins.

Do these warning signs of addiction apply to your loved one? If so, consider contacting a rehab center near me.

What Causes Drug Addiction? Learn More Now

Hopefully, our guide answered your question, “what causes drug addiction?” Use these to help identify whether a loved one has warning signs of addiction.

However, learning about addiction is only the beginning. Look for the best rehab center to make the most out of the treatment.

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