Things to Know About Getting Dental Fillings

Tooth fillings are the most commonly used treatment for tooth decay. Cavity filling is a procedure performed by the dentist to compensate for the effects of tooth decay and help maintain the health, appearance, function of the teeth. Read to know more about dental filling and its importance.

Types Of Dental Fillings: Not all dental fillings are the same. The most common dental fillings include Amalgam, Gold, Porcelain, and Composite. Amalgam is probably the most common type of filling and has been used for more than a century. Metal and gold can make teeth look beautiful when placed back in the mouth, and tooth-colored ceramics are the primary choice of most people.

Recovery Period: Most of the patients don’t feel any pain within a few hours after the operation, and they can start eating soon after the procedure is done. Although there may be some sensitivity and pain on the first day or two, most people fully recover within 48 hours after filling their teeth.

Useful To Preserve Teeth Health: For patients suffering from tooth decay, fillings are important because, without proper treatment, the problem will only get worse. People who ignore their cavities require root canal treatment or tooth extraction. Fillers prevent the spread of tooth decay, reduce the risk of infection, and ultimately enable patients to protect their teeth from tooth decay. Therefore, dental fillings protect sensitive teeth and prevent tooth decay in the future.

When To Replace Dental Fillings: Dental fillings usually last for many years before they need replacement. However, due to chewing, dental fillings wear out over time. You may need to replace your tooth fillings if you had clenched or grind them. If you find signs of wear filling, such as cracks or scratches, contact your dentist as soon as possible for a replacement. If you continue to chew with the damaged fillings, your tooth may crack and cost more than a normal cavity filling. In addition, if tooth decay occurs around the filling, your dentist may decide to repair the tooth with a crown instead of refilling the tooth decay.

Problems With Dental Fillers:  Sometimes, the filling is detached from the tooth to which it is attached and leaves a small gap. This gap may be a breeding ground for bacteria, creating additional cavities. If you find a gap between your teeth and the cavity filling, visit your dentist as soon as possible. Sometimes, the filling in the cavity ruptures, tears, or falls off. For example, if you bite on a hard object or get hit in the mouth while exercising, you may damage the filling.

To avoid such problems, it is important to visit a doctor with experience.  Many patients prefer dental fillings by All Smiles Dentistry to maintain their oral health. DentalCare is important after the process is done because there is a risk of oral health problems or infection. Therefore, use good oral care products, such as mouthwash and medical toothpaste. It helps reduce soreness and pain in the affected area.