Get to Understand More About TMJ Disorders, Their Cause, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Gaithersburg

Pain felt on one side of your head just in front of the ears can be due to a temporomandibular joint disorder. It can be mild or severe, especially when one is chewing or biting food. It can also be very painful when opening your mouth. Therefore, if you are residing in or around Maryland or Washington D.C., Gaithersburg TMJ is managed by a specialist who ensures the cause of the problem is diagnosed and treated appropriately.

What is a TMJ disorder?

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, located where the jawbone and the skull usually meet on either side of the head. It is a joint that enables you to speak, chew, and also open your mouth as you yawn. Pain experienced on one or both sides of the joints is a TMJ disorder, also sometimes called a TMD. Other than the pain, the signs and symptoms of pain may include jaw locking, uneven bite, difficulty chewing, facial pain, tenderness in the jaw, earaches, and headache. You can also experience other symptoms of a temporomandibular disorder such as grafting sensation or clicking sound when you open your mouth or chew.

What are the causes of TMJ disorders?

The temporomandibular joint is one of the most complex joints found in your body because it combines a hinge action with a sliding action to enable you to chew and speak. The joint also has cartilage covering the ends of the bones, and a small absorbing disc is used to separate them, allowing a smooth movement. Therefore, this joint’s complex nature and heavy use make it susceptible to many types of damage, including misaligned or worn down discs, overuse due to teeth grinding or clenching, cartilage damage from arthritis, and acute trauma such as a blow to the head.

Sometimes there is no obvious cause of a temporomandibular disorder. Still, most people who suffer from this condition find relief with home treatment methods, including relaxation techniques and self-massage to reduce muscle tension. However, if the temporomandibular joint pain persists even after utilizing home care, you are encouraged to seek medical help to find relief.

How is a temporomandibular joint disorder diagnosed and treated?

In most cases, you can receive a temporomandibular joint disorder diagnosis from another health care specialist, such as your dentist or primary physician. Therefore, to understand the scope of your TMJ disorder, the physician in the facility carries out a thorough review of your medical history and physical examination. At other times an x-ray or MRI may be performed at the jaw area if necessary to help the care provider develop the diagnosis. After developing the diagnosis, the specialist may recommend the best treatment for that particular condition.

The treatment plan is developed depending on the severity of your TMJ disorder, and it may include steroid injections, cognitive behavioral therapy, oral medications, corrective dental treatment, and Botox injections. However, severe cases that fail to improve even after using the treatment options above may require surgery.

Suppose you are interested in finding relief for temporomandibular joint pain, call or visit Choice Pain & Rehabilitation Center today. The health care specialist in the facility will offer you various treatment options, including steroid and Botox injections to alleviate pain; thus, enabling you to chew, speak, and open your mouth comfortably.