An Understanding Of Root Canals And The Treatment

The human body has many different parts. The body parts perform their functions to achieve normal activities in the body. If one of the body parts is not functioning well or is infected, the body will not function properly. Teeth are one of the body parts which if infected, alters with the proper body functioning. Dental problems have led to the rise of modern treatment methods to ensure a good mouth condition—a good mouth condition results in good body functioning. The root canal is one of the procedures used in dental treatment. Sunshine Dental, Inc offers root canals to dental patients. Book an appointment for more information.

What is a root canal?

It is one of the most common oral surgeries used in the treatment of decaying teeth pulp cavities. The root canal procedure aims to remove the inflamed tooth pulp, which reduces pain and saves the permanent natural tooth. Generally, the pulp plays a vital role in the development of teeth. The pulp is well prone to infection due to the soft nature of the tissues. This characteristic makes it more susceptible to infections.

What are the symptoms of an infected tooth?

During the early stages, it is difficult to notice the signs of an infected tooth. However, as time goes by, the inflammation becomes more serious. The following symptoms start to be seen:

·       Gums become red and irritated.

·       You start to experience pain when chewing.

·       Sensitivity and sharp pain are felt when a person takes cold or hot food.

If you experience such signs and symptoms, visit the nearest dentist for a further checkup.

Why do teeth become infected?

Generally, the teeth undergo the process of wear and tear daily. If your tooth gets a crack then plaque and bacteria can accumulate, causing it to become infiltrated and starting decay. If proper dental checkups are not taken, microorganisms form in the teeth and start spreading to the tooth’s roots and pulp. This leads to dental problems such as tooth decay and gum inflammation. Sometimes, at this stage, it becomes challenging to perform the root canal and requires tooth extraction.

How is the root canal performed?

The root canal treatment may take 2 to 3 weeks where you are required to make regular visits to your dentist. An anesthetic agent is administered to the tooth area where the surgery will be performed. This anesthetic agent ensures that you don’t feel any pain during the surgery. After numbing the tooth area and the gums, an incision is made inside the infected tooth, where the infected tooth pulp is cleaned out. The tooth area is also sprayed with water to get rid of all the debris. A temporary filling is then applied to fill the space left after cleaning. After the tooth heals, you must go back to the dentist for crowning, which prevents the decaying from coming back.

In conclusion, root canal treatment is of great benefit to dental patients. It helps stop the spread of infections to the other teeth, enhances good oral hygiene, and saves your teeth.