Dealing with Acid Reflux: Home Remedies and Treatment Options

Trust your gut feeling.

Ten to twenty percent of Americans have acid reflux. It is painful. It disrupts sleep and evenings.

But you can manage it. You can reduce your symptoms and live a full life. You can also learn how to get rid of acid reflux.

Here is a quick guide to dealing with acid reflux.

Acid Reflux Symptoms

The biggest symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, a burning sensation behind your breastbone. It may feel as though your heart is on fire.

Pain can radiate out. Sometimes it goes into your neck. Other times the pain spreads to your arms.

Though the pain may be scary, acid reflux is not life-threatening. It occurs when stomach acid and food rise into your esophagus.

Your esophagus has a sphincter that keeps stomach acids within your stomach. If the sphincter relaxes, acid rises into your esophagus. This gives you reflux.

Having reflux once every week or so is normal. More frequent symptoms could be signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD.

If you have intense pain, difficulty swallowing, or a chronic sore throat, you may have GERD. GERD occurs when stomach acids inflame the esophagus. Call your doctor if you think you may have GERD.

Lifestyle Changes

You can get rid of your acid reflux with a few simple changes.

Prop the head of your bed up a few inches. Sleep on your back. Gravity will keep acid down, preventing it from entering your esophagus.

Your diet does not have to change drastically. Avoid greasy and fatty foods like pepperoni pizza. Avoid bitter foods and drinks like coffee.

Do not lie down for at least two hours after eating. Lying down while you are digesting makes it easier for acid to enter your esophagus.

Wear loose-fitting clothing. Do not shove or prod your stomach. Allow food and acid to settle, and let your stomach push out if it does.

Stop smoking, and reduce your alcohol consumption. Smoking weakens your digestive system, and alcohol attacks the lining of your stomach.

Acid Reflux Remedy

There are a few natural remedies that help with acid reflux. The most common and effective is ginger. Take a ginger pill or drink tea.

Chewing gum stimulates saliva, which neutralizes acids and guides food into the stomach. The act of swallowing saliva in itself pushes food into the stomach. Chew naturally sweetened gum, as artificial sweeteners can upset the stomach.

Baking soda diluted in water may also help symptoms. But baking soda can alter the acid-base balance within the blood, and it is high in sodium. Do not drink baking soda solutions often.

There are many over-the-counter medications that help symptoms. Iberogast combines nine herbal extracts to ease heartburn. Tums use antacids to neutralize stomach acid.

Talk to a gastroenterologist before taking any remedies. They may recommend a different treatment for you.

Help for Your Health

Don’t yell your guts out. Acid reflux is very uncomfortable. But you can treat it yourself.

The main symptom of acid reflux is heartburn. If you have intense symptoms, talk to a doctor. You may have GERD.

Do not eat and then lie down. Avoid fatty foods, and choose ginger if you want a natural remedy. Most over-the-counter medications also reduce pain.

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