4 Tips on Buying ED Medications Online for New Users

Are you struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED)? If it’s any consolation, you’re not alone.

Studies show that your odds of struggling with ED increase by 10% with each decade once you hit 40.

As scary as that is, ED is treatable with the right medication. Medication that, often, you can find online.

But before you take out your credit card, you’ll want to read this article. Below, we’ll walk you through five tips for buying ED medications online in a safe manner.

1. Talk With Your Doctor

First and foremost, make sure you’re healthy enough for ED medication. If you have a pre-existing condition, such as a heart problem or high blood pressure, certain medications can pose a serious threat to your health.

Before making any decisions, speak with your doctor. Not only will they be able to provide you with a prescription that can address your specific needs, but they’ll help you address any further underlying conditions.

ED is as much mental as it is physical, after all. Speaking with a trained mental health expert can make a big difference sometimes.

Men often feel that ED affects their ‘manhood’, and makes them less masculine. On the contrary, you can read What women really think about ED & PE for yourself.

2. Look for Accreditation

Let’s face it, the Internet can be a shady place. Toss in medication, and you have yourself a recipe for potential trouble.

Before you do anything else, make sure the site you’re thinking of using is accredited. Believe it or not, you don’t even have to look that hard.

To find out if an online pharmacy is safe to use, check the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website. They keep a running list of state-verified digital pharmacies.

3. Shop With Secure Sites

Have you ever noticed that some web addresses begin with ‘HTTP’ while others start with ‘HTTPS’? That single letter might not seem like much, but it’s more important than you may think.

The difference is that ‘HTTPS’ addresses rely on an extra layer of security (see where the ‘s’ comes from?) that encrypts information.

If you were to rely on an online pharmacy that only uses ‘HTTP’, it’d be possible for someone to intercept the data. As a result, they could steal your personal information, including your credit card information, home address, and even your passwords!

4. Look for Discounts

Any way you cut it, shopping online is easier and more convenient than visiting your local pharmacy. Plus, you can avoid that embarrassing situation of running into someone you know while picking up with ED medication.

But shopping online can help you save money, too!

Check out reputable websites like GoodRx, which post virtual coupons you can apply to your purchases. You can also try installing a browser extension like Honey, which automatically looks for and applies sitewide discounts.

Staying Safe While Buying ED Medications Online

Buying ED medications online doesn’t have to be risky. Or even expensive, for that matter.

Follow these tips and you’ll find a deal on safe, tested medication each time you order.

For more tips on all things health, make sure to check out the rest of our blog!