Since technology is rapidly growing in sectors like farming, school, and the financial institution, it is also developing at health care facilities. During the previous century, doctors used to treat the symptoms of damaged tissues and organs. Due to the growth of technology, modern physicians focus on treating the symptoms and regenerating the damaged tissues and organs, making the disorder wholly healed. Regenerative medicine in Livingston regenerates damaged tissue using regenerative medicine. Below are some of the conditions that can be treated through the regenerative medicine technique.
Conditions That Can be Treated Using Regenerative Medicine
The regenerative medicine technique is a field that deals with the repair of damaged tissues or organs. Severe diseases or injuries can destroy tissues or organs. Regenerative medicine procedures enable healing and tissue regrowth. Some techniques include:
Platelets rich plasma (PRP)
Adult autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
Amniotic derived allografts
Regenerative medicine is looking forward to treating conditions like diabetes, autism, heart diseases, multiple sclerosis, and many more. Some conditions that regenerative medicine is currently treating include:
·Spine arthritis/disc degeneration in the spine. Regenerative medicine helps in treating patients suffering from disc degeneration in the spine or spine arthritis. The physicians use platelets rich plasma or a mishmash of PRP and bone marrow to treat the spine conditions.
·Tendinitis. Tendinitis is a health condition that can affect the elbows, knees, wrists, and shoulders. Regenerative medicine techniques can be used to treat this condition. Specialists can also treat plantar fasciitis. Doctors make use of PRP injection to treat a variety of areas affected by tendinitis. Physicians rarely use a combination of PRP and bone marrow stem cells during treatment for this condition.
· Rotator cuff injuries. For a patient dealing with minor rotator cuff injuries, doctors use PRP injections only. In contrast, a combination of PRP and bone marrow stem cells is used to treat a patient with severe rotator cuff injuries.
· Arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that can affect many parts of the body. Platelets rich plasma injections are used to treat partially affected patients, while a combination of PRP and bone marrow stem cell injections is used to treat severe arthritis.
PRP also treats patients with avascular necrosis.
Importance of Undergoing Regenerative Medicine
Stem cells and platelets rich plasma are known to contribute to the successful regenerative medicine procedure. Cure of diseases that were not treatable a century ago like tendonitis, arthritis, and meniscus tears are healed through regenerative medicine.
Research shows that in the century to come, regenerative medicine will eliminate the use of surgery and prescription medication to treat various diseases. It is also evident that other biological, natural made components contribute to the healing process when combined with stem cells. If the patient does not have compatible products for treatment in their body, regenerative medicine sources the products from a consenting donor.
Stem cells are known to differentiate every type of tissue in your body. Regenerative medicine uses the body’s products to regenerate healthy tissue in damaged areas. The tissues completely restore, and the health condition totally disappears.
Regenerative medicine has restored many people’s lives to normal. For health conditions that were known to be untreatable some years back, regenerative techniques heal them completely. Platelet rich plasma and bone marrow stem cells are the critical components associated with regenerative medicine. SamWell Institute for Pain Management deals with every type of disease that is treatable using regenerative medicine. Call them today or schedule an appointment online to visit with a specialist about how they can help you.