Diet pills and supplements are trendy among those who find it difficult to lose weight through exercise or a strict diet. Many consider them as shortcuts because they provide an easy way to burn excess fats without much effort.
Lipozene is one such supplement that has been hailed for its weight loss abilities. But does it really work? A lot of research has been conducted to answer that question. In this review, we look at some studies that have focused on lipozene and its effects.
Scientific evidence for the effectiveness of lipozene in weight loss
The active ingredient of lipozene that is responsible for weight loss is glucomannan. Even though there isn’t strong evidence to support lipozene’s benefits in weight loss, there are several small studies that have proved that the supplement might work. Some of these studies include:
In 1995, a study was conducted on 30 overweight individuals. The researchers compared the effect of lipozene plus a low-calorie diet and that of a sugar pill plus a low-calorie diet. At the end of the study, which took two months, it was found that the combination containing lipozene was more effective for weight loss than the one without the supplement.
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In 2005, another study showed that lipozene combined with a diet of about 1200 calories resulted in a more significant loss in weight than the diet alone. The study was conducted on healthy but overweight individuals.
In 2003, a study was conducted on 53 moderately obese and overweight adults. The participants were divided into two groups. The first group was given lipozene (1.33g) three times a day, 60 minutes before they took their meals. The other group, the control group, only took dummy capsules with the same amount of water as the first group.
After two months, it was found that lipozene only a small difference was noticed in the two groups.
In another study that took about five weeks, 176 participants were provided with lipozene and were placed on a controlled diet. The placebo group was never provided with any supplement. At the end of the research, those who consumed the lipozene supplement managed to lose 1.7 kilograms more than the control group.
One study conducted on39 people found that lipozene reduces weight only when combined with a low-calorie diet. It was found that the supplement works by reducing the rate at which food gets absorbed in small intestines.
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In yet another study, some obese/overweight participants were given 3g of lipozene per day. At the end of the study period, they were not only found to have lost some weight, but their cholesterol levels also went down.
Most of the small studies conducted so far point to the fact that lipozene is an effective supplement for weight loss. However, its use should only be approved by a qualified medical practitioner. Additionally, when buying lipozene supplements or pills, only do so from trusted sources. Most important of all make sure you read other reviews on lipozene online through trusted sources.