7 Reasons Nurses Are Truly Amazing

Nurses happen to be the un-caped heroes of the healthcare world. Although underappreciated, they are the ones working the hardest in almost every healthcare setting. And if you think about it, nurses provide up to 90% of the healthcare services in the world. Yet when the time comes to thank them, a nurse is always forgotten. Despite that, nurses keep on dedicating their time and energy to the healthcare field and become a source of comfort, care, and respite for the sick and suffering. Keeping these things in mind, we are going to thank nurses for their services in our way by telling you some of the reasons why nurses happen to be amazing.

1. Nurses are super smart 

Some people believe that people who aren’t smart enough or don’t want to study enough to become qualified doctors end up becoming nurses. This opinion is not only incorrect but also offensive. Nurses need to have a university or college degree in nursing to start practicing; also, they have to continue studying for specialties and masters to progress in their careers. Furthermore, even after completing their degree, nurses have to continuously upgrade their scope of knowledge by attending workshops, seminars, receiving training, learning courses, etc. So, if you thought that a person doesn’t need too much educational qualification and experience to become a nurse, then you were dead wrong. The journey from masters in nursing to nurse practitioner is a lot harder than most of us can imagine, which is why nurses should get the due credit for being so studious.

2. They save lives

Not many people can say that they saved a life during their lifetime. But nurses do it every day. The reality is that hospitals won’t be able to function if there were no nurses to keep the workflow smooth and steady. They are the first healthcare professionals patients encounter when they walk into a hospital, and they are responsible for the patient’s condition throughout the treatment plan. On top of that, doctors are heavily dependent on nurses to acquire crucial information about patients, such as their medical history, allergies, family background, etc. Moreover, a nurse’s experience and expertise in medical knowledge are crucial to assist a doctor when they make a diagnosis or treatment plan.

3. Emotional labor doesn’t discourage them

Working as a nurse is nothing short of emotional labor. Their work ranges from working with newborn children to people who are on life support or at the cusp of demise. Hence, they deal with a lot of emotionally exhausting aspects during their duty which requires a lot of character strength. Yet, they come to the healthcare facility with a smile every day. They become a source of comfort for people in pain and help people focus on their mental wellness and physical well-being.

4. They have to know a little about a lot 

While nurses are now majorly focusing their attention on different specialties, they still need to know almost everything. Therefore, a nurse in the orthopedic department should know a little about gynecology or oncology. The primary reason is that the body is interdependent, and hence a patient can face a multitude of issues caused by other bodily functions. To compensate, a nurse has to learn as much as possible to help every patient that walks into the hospital.

5. Assist patients through everyday needs

A nurse’s role extends beyond medical services, as their focus lies on the patient’s overall well-being. Therefore, nurses assist patients with everyday functions, bodily needs and self-grooming whenever needed. For patients who’ve had surgery, nurses assist them through mundane tasks such as changing clothes, eating, helping them walk, etc. Therefore, anyone who has ever been through such procedures truly understands the subtle kindness and grace nurses possess when they help a patient.

6. They have amazing people skills 

Nurses do their best in the job, including treating all the patients and their attendants with respect and care. They listen to all the fears and concerns of the patient and their families and help them calm down by telling them what is what. If they have any worries, they ease them through words of encouragement. Hence, nurses need to possess phenomenal people skills to get along with everybody and help them through some of the most difficult times of a patient’s life.

7. They are immeasurably selfish 

Nurses give all of themselves to their patients and the healthcare industry every day. It doesn’t matter if these nurses are working in the administrative department or any other department of the facility. They work long shifts, stay on their feet, and run around to assist patients. This aspect makes them extremely selfless and an immeasurable asset to the healthcare industry.


We owe a lot to nurses, which is why we should treat them with the same level of respect as any other healthcare professionals. After all, their duties are no less difficult than that of a doctor or a surgeon. Nurses deal with a lot more taxing aspects of healthcare than other professionals could. Yet, they do it every day with so much dignity and grace, and for this reason, nurses deserve all the appreciation they can get.