7 Natural Weight-Loss Secrets That Are Science Backed

Today there are endless diet options and meal replacement plans that promise you weight-loss. Some are effective and backed by science while others leave you all disappointed. If you are trying to find the best strategy to manage your weight, then our brief research on the subject is sure going to help you. 

What are the best ways to lose weight?

  1. Eat mindfully: Today’s fast-paced lifestyle makes you gorge on any available food. Many are not aware of what food they eat and how it is going to impact the processes in their bodies. Paying attention to your food and how much you eat will definitely help you manage your weight. Here are the things you need to follow while eating.

· Sit down at a table and enjoy the food you eat.

· Avoid watching videos, TV, laptop, or phone.

· Chew your food slowly. This method triggers a satiety response from the body and keeps you from overeating.

· Make conscious food choices. Always choose foods that have nutrients that could satisfy you for hours.

2. Eat protein for breakfast: Protein can regulate your appetite hormones. Proteins suppress hunger hormones called ‘ghrelin’ and stimulate the synthesis of satiety hormone ‘cholecystokinin’. Eating a high-protein breakfast can keep you full for several hours. Eggs, oats, nuts, quinoa, sardines, chia seed pudding are some items you can include in your breakfast.

3.  Track your diet and exercise: If you are determined to lose weight, then you should track what you eat and drink every day. The best way to do this is either to have a food diary or an app tracking your diet. This method without a doubt gives you a boost to lose weight.

Consistent tracking of your food and diet helps you burn fat with very little effort. There is a correlation between weight loss and monitoring of food intake and exercise.

4. Try intermittent fasting: This involves regular short-term fasts. Practice intermittent fasting for up to 24 weeks and see the bodily change.

Some of the popular intermittent fastings include:

· Alternate day fasting: Fast on alternate days and eat normally on days when you are not fasting.

· The 5:2 diet: Keep 2 days out of 7 for fasting. On your fasting days, it is advised to eat 500-600 calories.

· The 16/8 method: This involves fasting for 16 hours and eating during that 8-hour window. Many people keep this 8-hour window between noon to 8 p.m. This restricted period will make individuals eat fewer calories.

5. Use slimming machines: People who have trouble hitting the gym or exercising regularly can rely on body sculpting machines. The most popular one among these is the Ultrasonic cavitation machine. As the name suggests, the machine uses UV sound waves to deflate fat cells. It targets only the fat cells keeping other body parts intact. The results here are quick and effective.

6. Cut back on sugar and refined carbohydrates: Lately, the diets that people consume are high in sugar and that is directly linked to obesity. Many of the foods and drinks will have hidden sugar that many don’t realize.

Refined carbohydrates like rice, bread, and pasta contain no fiber and nutrients and also these foods are quick to convert into glucose. When excess glucose enters the blood, it triggers insulin that promotes fat storage and weight gain.

If you are planning to swap your food with something healthy, you can include the following:

· Whole-grain rice, bread and pasta instead of their white version.

· Smoothies with water instead of fruit juice.

· Herb teas instead of caffeine.

· Fruits and nuts instead of sugar-loaded snacks.

7. Eat plenty of fiber: Fiber will increase the feeling of fullness and that leads to weight loss. Some of the fiber-rich food are:

· Cereals, whole-wheat pasta, oats, barley and rye.

· Nuts and seeds.

· Fruits and vegetables.

· Peas, beans and pulses.

8. Managing stress level: When you are stressed for a very long time, stress hormones like cortisol remain in the bloodstream and potentially increase the appetite. They also exhaust the body’s nutritional store. Studies have shown that managing stress significantly reduces weight and aids in balancing your BMI.

Some ways to manage stress:

· Yoga and meditation.

· Breathing and relaxation technique.

· Involving in an outdoor activity such as walking and gardening.

9. Getting a good night’s sleep: Sleeping less than 6 hours a day is associated with increased obesity. Insufficient and poor quality sleep will slow down your body’s ability to convert calories into energy. When metabolism slows down, the body may begin to store this unused energy in the form of fat. Furthermore, the production of insulin and cortisol can also promote fat storage.

The above are some easy ways to lose weight without starving yourself. Click here to buy slimming products that make your weight loss journey easy.