7 Life After Addiction Tips to Help You Crush Your Recovery

The number of overdose deaths in the US accelerated during the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred within 12 months. If you’ve recently recovered from an addiction, it’s important to maintain your sobriety.

Otherwise, the number of overdose deaths will only continue to rise.

Here are seven life after addiction tips that can help. With these tips, you can maintain your sobriety long after rehab. You’ll have the addiction coping mechanisms you need to stay clean.

Set yourself up for long-term success! Maintain your sober lifestyle with these seven easy tips today.

1. Establish a Routine

About one in seven people in the US develop a substance addiction. Unfortunately, only 10% of these Americans receive treatment.

Use what you learned during your rehabilitation. While in rehab, you likely grew accustomed to a routine. A routine can give your life organization and structure.

Try to mimic that same routine in your new daily life. Consider your priorities, including:

  • School or work
  • Making time for friends and family
  • Hobbies
  • Continuous treatment
  • Therapy
  • Support groups

Make a list of the hobbies and activities you want to add to your daily routine. Then, set a schedule for yourself.

Establishing a routine and schedule can help you avoid growing bored. if you grow sedentary or bored, you might fall back to old habits. You could use drugs or alcohol to cope with your boredom, too.

Instead, consider speaking with a therapist about developing an aftercare program based on your distinct needs. For example, you might want to learn how to develop a healthy lifestyle. Maybe you need to mend relationships you broke while using.

Some rehab programs offer continuing-care services you can use, too.

For example, you might want to make regular visits for recovery checkups and testing. Regular drug testing can help you hold yourself accountable.

You can also gain valuable feedback and advice from people who understand what you’re going through. They can provide you with additional life after addiction tips you can use, too.

2. Take Your Medications

Some rehabilitation programs require you to take medication as part of your treatment. If your doctor or therapist advises you to, keep up with your medications.

You should only stop taking your medications if the doctor says it’s okay. Otherwise, quitting cold turkey could cause withdrawal.

You could experience physical side effects as a result.

Use a medicine box to remain organized. Have a written copy of your medication protocol, too. You don’t want to make a dangerous medication error.

3. Set Fresh Goals

Establishing long- and short-term goals for yourself can give you something to look forward to.

Think of life after addiction as a clean slate. What do you want to accomplish in your new life? Do you want to finish school or start building a career?

If you want to start building a career for yourself, consider vocational training. You can establish a financial plan while you’re at it, too.

Maybe you want to build a family instead.

Either way, take the time to write down your goals. Try to make your goals SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Results-Driven
  • Timely

Don’t set unachievable goals for yourself. Instead, remain realistic. You don’t want to put unnecessary stress on your shoulders.

As you start accomplishing your goals, celebrate the wins, big and small! Recognizing your achievements will help you see how far you’ve come.

4. Consider Your Triggers

As part of your rehabilitation, you should have taken a moment to consider your triggers. Identifying your triggers now can help you avoid a relapse in the future. You can avoid situations or people that might lead you to start using again.

Think about your life while you were using. Did you frequent a particular bar? Were there people in your life who pushed you to start using drugs?

Try to avoid people, places, and situations that lead you to drink or use drugs in the first place.

Start developing addiction coping mechanisms, too. For example, if you encounter a trigger, have someone you can call. They can help you manage the situation to avoid a relapse.

5. Ask for Help

As you consider which after addiction steps to take, start building your support system.

Never hesitate to ask for help. Know who you can turn to if you’re ever struggling. Your support system can include friends and family members.

Consider building a support system full of people who understand what you’re going through, too. For example, you can join an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous group. You might want to attend weekly meetings, especially as you start reintegrating into the real world.

Have someone you can always call. Otherwise, learn from everyone else’s experience. They might have life after addiction tips you can use, too.

You can use these post addiction tips while you’re at it.

6. Start Working Out

Exercising can boost your endorphins and serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that impacts your mood. It can help you feel calm, focused, or relaxed.

It’s able to reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, too.

Working out can help improve your mood! Consider joining an exercise class. Otherwise, ask friends and family members if they want to join you.

Exercising with friends and family members can help you strengthen relationships. You can also get your heart pumping to improve your cardiovascular health.

The next time you feel like using, consider working out. Exercise is a great distraction.

7. Develop New Hobbies

As you start building your life after addiction, consider pursuing new hobbies. For example, you can learn how to play an instrument. You can learn a new language, too.

Otherwise, try yoga and meditation. Both can relax the mind to act as addiction coping mechanisms. If you’re feeling triggered, you can use the techniques you learned to remain calm.

Maintaining Long-Term Sobriety: 7 Life After Addiction Tips

Maintaining your long-term sobriety doesn’t have to feel like a challenge. Instead, use these seven life after addiction tips. Remember help is always within reach if you need it, too.

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