6 Cool Facts to Help You Get Ready for Your Tooth Extraction

Sometimes it can be necessary to have some teeth extracted when they are problematic and fail to respond to conservative care measures. If one of your teeth or some teeth needs extraction, all you need is an expert oral surgeon in Brooklyn to help you through the entire process. From preparations, everything you do affects the success of your treatment, and it is critical to do it right. And because the preparation stage is critical to ensuring you have a smooth extraction and effective recovery, ensure you make the best out of it. Here are some helpful tips for you.

Understand Why You Need the Extraction

Your teeth are expected to last a lifetime. Therefore, it is not always that you have your tooth or teeth removed. In most cases, severe injuries, crowded or diseased teeth are the main reasons for extraction. Therefore, ensure you consult your provider adequately to ensure that you are suitable for extraction. If some of your teeth are blocking others, or you need to create space for other orthodontic treatments, you might need an extraction. Also, your baby might need extraction if their teeth are intact, but there is a need to create space for permanent teeth.

Take Time to Evaluate Your Options

Extraction of adult teeth is not reversible. Therefore, you have to ensure that you need your teeth extracted, considering that the tooth will not grow back once pulled out. Ensure you consult your provider about other alternatives you can rely on to rejuvenate and restore your smile after extraction. Also, your provider should explain why extraction is the best option for you and the only suitable option to manage your condition.

Compose a Complete Medical History

If tooth extraction is suitable for you, your oral surgeon will need to understand your overall health before proceeding with the treatment. Some of the vitamins, over-the-counter medications, and prescriptions you might be taking can affect the choice of anesthetic to be used during your procedure. Additionally, information about any allergies or complications affecting your blood and heart is critical to your surgeon before proceeding with the extraction. Understand that some medications can have some reactions with particular medications.

Get X-Rays

X-rays of the area to be operated on are essential in providing more details about your condition to your provider. It will help your oral surgeon to design the best extraction plan depending on your unique needs. If you have impacted wisdom teeth that demand to be taken out, a panoramic x-ray is necessary, especially if the process will involve delicate work around the jaw.

Skip Eating the Night Before Your Procedure

Your provider will probably advise you to fast the night to your surgery to avoid complications when you are out. Remember, you can inhale the contents in your stomach to your lungs during the surgery when unconscious. Although the standard time limit you should fast vary, it is advisable not to eat anything after midnight or at least eight to twelve hours before your appointment.

Arrange for Your Transport

You might still be on the effects of the anesthesia when you come to consciousness which can impair your ability to drive. Therefore, please ensure that you arrange for someone to drive you home in advance. Additionally, it would be good to find someone who can stay with you after the surgery to help you recover.

The oral surgery specialists at Brooklyn City Dental can help you get ready for tooth extraction. Book a consultation appointment to understand if extraction is suitable for you, and your provider will advise you accordingly. Remember that adequately getting ready will improve your experience.