5 Yoga Positions To Ease Back Pain

Yoga is a fantastic way to get your body moving, increase blood flow and build muscles in your body. It can also be great for treating a bad back. There are a few different yoga poses that are good for easing back pains, aches and stiffness.

Practising yoga that is spine-friendly can help to ease any pain but can also help to strengthen the back, preventing any further issues. The practice can help you to gain more awareness of your body, helping you to understand more of the aches and pains you experience. And it’s a great way to take a calming moment for yourself.

We’ve looked into some of the best yoga poses for back pain and have summarised them below for you to take a look at.


The cat/cow movement is a well-known pose that is good for the back. It can help to ease mild back pain, increase spinal mobility, and strengthen the back muscles.

To do the cat/cow pose, start on all-fours in a tabletop position. Start by curving your back, dropping the chest and titling your head upwards. Hold this position and then push your chest up, dropping your chin to your chest, and curving your spine the other way. Hold again and then come back to the starting position.

You can repeat this move a few times.

Downward facing dog

Downward facing dog is a great pose to stretch out the back, and the rest of the body.

Start on all-fours again but this time lift your buttocks into the air, pushing against your hands, curling your toes under and straightening the legs. You can straighten the legs fully or keep them slightly bent, making sure to keep your heels off the ground. Press into your hands and hold for a few breaths.

Extended triangle

This standing pose can relieve back pain and strengthens the shoulders, chest, and legs.

Start from standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Turn your right toes to face outward at an angle as you tilt forwards and over your right hip. Bring your right arm to your leg or the floor and raise your left arm up. Look upward toward the left arm and hold this position. You can then return to the starting position and repeat on your left side.

Sphinx pose

This is a gentle pose that increases flexibility, strengthens the back and stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen.

Start laying on your stomach. Plant your hands, facing forward, beside your chest and tuck your elbows in as you slowly lift your torso off the ground. Only your upper torso should come off the ground as you hold this position for a few counts, engaging your back muscles.

Child’s pose

This soothing pose is known to help you relax and release tension in your neck and back. It stretches and lengthens the spine as well as opening up the hips.

Sit back on your heels with your knees together and bend forward, walking your hands out in front of you. Rest your forehead on the floor in front of you and hold the position. You can remain in this position for up to five minutes, letting it soothe and relax you.


Back problems can come and go on their own and adding in a few yoga poses to your daily routine can help to ease any back pain and strengthen the back. If you find that your back problems persist, be sure to book in to see a chiropractor, like Richmond Chiropractor, to get some advice on treatment and exercise to do to ease back pain.