5 Things You Need To Know About PEMF Can You Feel PEMF?

A lot of people have various questions about PEMF therapy. Is it safe? Does it hurt? How does it work? What can PEMF therapy be used for? In this article, you will find some information regarding PEMF therapy to help answer some of these questions.

What is PEMF Therapy?

Every functional cell in the body produces electromagnetic fields. The known fact is that cells even communicate with each other using electromagnetic frequencies. When the body is injured, there is a disruption of the electromagnetic energy, which can affect the cell’s ability to function.

PEMF therapy also makes use of electrical energy to send magnetic pulses through the body, penetrating each cell, tissue, and organ without causing any damage. Each pulse produced can create a tiny electrical signal that can stimulate the body cells, allowing them to reboot their chemical and electrical processes for normal functioning. The outcome of the process is better cellular health, function, and energy to ensure the body can repair itself without any need for medical treatment.

Things You Should Know About PEMF

For clarification, below are some of the things you need to know about PEMF.

#1. Safe

First off, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is safe. The EMFs in PEMF therapy is not something you need to worry about, especially since electromagnetic fields are all around us. Healthy Line provides the best PEMF devices that can bring relief and healing to the body without endangering your safety.

#2. FDA Approved

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has gone through the Food and Drug Administration evaluation and is currently approved to treat several ailments. It was first approved in the year 1979 for healing several fractures.

#3. Not the Same as Electricity

Some people believe that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is like shock therapy or electroconvulsive therapy. When they hear PEMF, they see electricity passing through the patient’s body. You may want to know that it is not how PEMF therapy works.

However, PEMF devices make use of electricity just to generate an EMF. These EMFs penetrate deep into the body to heal, energize, and oxygenate the cells. Unlike using electricity, EMF is safe and painless.

#4. Gives Options

The treatment for many health issues and disorders including depression, nonunion fractures, and osteoarthritis usually end with an invasive procedure or medication. However, a lot of patients do not want to experience the side effects that come from using drugs, and they don’t want the risks involved with surgery. It leaves PEMF therapy as the next best option because it is safe and the perfect alternative to prescription drugs or invasive procedures.

#5. An Investment

PEMF devices are very affordable and you can purchase them with Healthy Line. They cost less than most invasive procedures. You will find that bicycles and treadmills even cost more than PEMF devices.

They are even more affordable when you consider that these PEMF devices can save on future medical costs and hospital bills. It, therefore, implies that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a cost-effective investment for your health. Staying healthy pays off; this is true for your health and your pocket with PEMF.

Can You Feel PEMF Therapy?

One of the great things about living in the modern age is that you can always be ready for what comes next. With proper research, you can find the answer to almost any question that may come your way. A lot of people have different opinions about what they feel during PEMF therapy.

With the help of Healthy Line, PEMF devices are used to send waves of electromagnetic energy through the body. These pulses communicate with the cells to relax, which improves healthy cell function and cellular health.

As the PEMF therapy works, one may feel the pulse and may even find the areas that need treatment, as they visibly move as the cells are engaged. It can be an unusual sensation, but it does not hurt.

Back to the question, the therapy process is pain-free and very safe. You don’t even need to undress to receive the treatment. People may sometimes feel the effects almost immediately.