5 Healthy Sleep Habits That Improve Health While Catching Z’s

As one of the most relaxing, rejuvenating, and important parts of our day, sleep is crucial to our health. But if you struggle to stick to a solid sleep schedule, it can be near impossible to recharge.

The Center for Disease Control reports that 35 percent of adults don’t get enough sleep. The good news is, there are many healthy sleep habits that you can try to improve your rest and overall health. 

Before you crawl into bed tonight, read on for the top sleep habits and tips you should try for a better night of sleep. 

1. Eliminate Excessive Lighting

While many people enjoy the glow of a television or night light to fall asleep, this can reduce your melatonin production. The natural sleep hormone Melatonin is crucial to the sleep/wake cycle.

As our brain experiences darkness from the sun setting or the lights turning out, melatonin production increases. This sends messages to the brain signaling that it’s time for bed.

Consider using blackout curtains or dimmer night lights. This may help boost your melatonin production and provide better rest. 

2. Disconnect From Technology 

While it’s relaxing to scroll on our phones or binge-watch videos before bed, this can be counterproductive to your quality of sleep. At least 30 minutes before bed, consider disconnecting from technology to wind down more effectively. 

As blue light used in televisions, computers, and phones illuminate our screens, they can also rev up our brains. Like night lights, studies show that the blue wavelengths from technology can harm our melatonin production. Rather than using your devices, you may enjoy reading a book, meditating, or writing in a journal to relax before bed.

3. Improve Nutrition

Chances are, you’ve heard doctors, parents, and teachers stress the importance of nutrition over the years. For many health factors including sleep, good nutrition is crucial.

If you struggle with getting to sleep early or staying asleep throughout the night, you may consider switching up your diet. Some simple ways to improve your diet and sleep habits is to cut down on caffeine, reduce sugars, and take more vitamins. Sleep enhancing vitamins often include melatonin, magnesium, and other ingredients that increase relaxation. 

4. Update Your Mattress and Bedding 

With an uncomfortable mattress and low-quality bedding, it can be difficult to get a high-quality night of sleep. If you find yourself struggling to find a comfortable sleep position, consider investing in a better mattress and bedding. This is a crucial part of sleep hygiene.

Poor sleep surfaces can cause back pain and other stresses on the body. Many recommend replacing bedding every five to eight years. For an optimal sleep environment, your bed should be a combination of firm and soft and your bedding should be both breathable and warm. 

5. Have a Set Schedule

Another healthy sleep habit to include in your everyday routine is to have a set sleep and wake schedule. By setting an alarm for waking up and turning out the lights for sleep at the same time every day, your body may achieve more deep sleep. 

As we sleep, we cycle between REM and Non-REM sleep patterns. An irregular sleep schedule can alter these cycles and lower our quality of rest. Consider setting your phone to send you reminders when it’s time to sleep and wake up every day. 

Adopt These Healthy Sleep Habits

Everyone deserves to feel well-rested and at their best. To get the restful night you need, adopt these healthy sleep habits today. 

For more tips to improve your health and lifestyle, explore the rest of our website